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10. Syntactic Symbols

Here is a complete list of the recognized syntactic symbols as described in the c-offsets-alist style variable, along with a brief description. More detailed descriptions follow.

Inside a multiline string.
Inside a multiline C style block comment.
Brace that opens a top-level function definition.
Brace that closes a top-level function definition.
The first line in a top-level defun.
Brace that opens a class definition.
Brace that closes a class definition.
Brace that opens an in-class inline method.
Brace that closes an in-class inline method.
The region between a function definition's argument list and the function opening brace (excluding K&R argument declarations). In C, you cannot put anything but whitespace and comments in this region, however in C++ and Java, throws declarations and other things can appear here.
First line of a K&R C argument declaration.
Subsequent lines in a K&R C argument declaration.
The first line in a "topmost" definition.
Topmost definition continuation lines. This is only used in the parts that aren't covered by other symbols such as func-decl-cont and knr-argdecl.
First line in a member initialization list.
Subsequent member initialization list lines.
First line of a multiple inheritance list.
Subsequent multiple inheritance lines.
Statement block open brace.
Statement block close brace.
Open brace of an enum or static array list.
Close brace of an enum or static array list.
First line in an enum or static array list.
Subsequent lines in an enum or static array list.
Subsequent lines in an enum or static array list where the line begins with an open brace.
A statement.
A continuation of a statement.
The first line in a new statement block.
The first line in a case block.
The first line in a case block that starts with a brace.
The first line after a conditional or loop construct.
The brace that opens a substatement block.
The first line after a conditional or loop construct if it's a label.
A label in a switch block.
C++ access control label.
Any other label.
The while line that ends a do-while construct.
The else line of an if-else construct.
The catch or finally (in Java) line of a try-catch construct.
A line containing only a comment introduction.
The first line in an argument list.
Subsequent argument list lines when no arguments follow on the same line as the arglist opening paren.
Subsequent argument list lines when at least one argument follows on the same line as the arglist opening paren.
The solo close paren of an argument list.
Lines continuing a stream operator (C++ only).
The line is nested inside a class definition.
The start of a preprocessor macro definition.
The first line inside a multiline preproprocessor macro if c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros is set.
All lines inside multiline preprocessor macros if c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros is nil.
A C++ friend declaration.
The first line of an Objective-C method definition.
Lines continuing an Objective-C method definition.
Lines continuing an Objective-C method call.
Brace that opens an extern block (e.g. extern "C" {...}).
Brace that closes an extern block.
Analogous to inclass syntactic symbol, but used inside extern blocks.
These are analogous to the three extern-lang symbols above, but are returned for C++ namespace blocks.
Analogous to the above, but for CORBA IDL module blocks.
Analogous to the above, but for CORBA CIDL composition blocks.
C++ template argument list continuations.
Analogous to inclass syntactic symbol, but used inside lambda (i.e. anonymous) functions. Only used in Pike mode.
Lines continuing the header of a lambda function, i.e. between the lambda keyword and the function body. Only used in Pike mode.
A statement block inside an expression. The gcc C and C++ extension for this is recognized. It's also used for the special functions that take a statement block as an argument in Pike.
A class definition inside an expression. This is used for anonymous classes in Java. It's also used for anonymous array initializers in Java.

Most syntactic symbol names follow a general naming convention. When a line begins with an open or close brace, the syntactic symbol will contain the suffix -open or -close respectively.

Usually, a distinction is made between the first line that introduces a construct and lines that continue a construct, and the syntactic symbols that represent these lines will contain the suffix -intro or -cont respectively. As a sub-classification of this scheme, a line which is the first of a particular brace block construct will contain the suffix -block-intro.

Let's look at some examples to understand how this works. Remember that you can check the syntax of any line by using C-c C-s.

 1: void
 2: swap( int& a, int& b )
 3: {
 4:     int tmp = a;
 5:     a = b;
 6:     b = tmp;
 7:     int ignored =
 8:         a + b;
 9: }

Line 1 shows a topmost-intro since it is the first line that introduces a top-level construct. Line 2 is a continuation of the top-level construct introduction so it has the syntax topmost-intro-cont. Line 3 shows a defun-open since it is the brace that opens a top-level function definition. Line 9 is the corresponding defun-close since it contains the brace that closes the top-level function definition. Line 4 is a defun-block-intro, i.e. it is the first line of a brace-block, enclosed in a top-level function definition.

Lines 5, 6, and 7 are all given statement syntax since there isn't much special about them. Note however that line 8 is given statement-cont syntax since it continues the statement begun on the previous line.

Here's another example, which illustrates some C++ class syntactic symbols:

 1: class Bass
 2:     : public Guitar,
 3:       public Amplifiable
 4: {
 5: public:
 6:     Bass()
 7:         : eString( new BassString( 0.105 )),
 8:           aString( new BassString( 0.085 )),
 9:           dString( new BassString( 0.065 )),
10:           gString( new BassString( 0.045 ))
11:     {
12:         eString.tune( 'E' );
13:         aString.tune( 'A' );
14:         dString.tune( 'D' );
15:         gString.tune( 'G' );
16:     }
17:     friend class Luthier;
18: };

As in the previous example, line 1 has the topmost-intro syntax. Here however, the brace that opens a C++ class definition on line 4 is assigned the class-open syntax. Note that in C++, classes, structs, and unions are essentially equivalent syntactically (and are very similar semantically), so replacing the class keyword in the example above with struct or union would still result in a syntax of class-open for line 4 (27). Similarly, line 18 is assigned class-close syntax.

Line 2 introduces the inheritance list for the class so it is assigned the inher-intro syntax, and line 3, which continues the inheritance list is given inher-cont syntax.

Hitting C-c C-s on line 5 shows the following analysis:

((inclass 58) (access-label 58))

The primary syntactic symbol for this line is access-label as this a label keyword that specifies access protection in C++. However, because this line is also a top-level construct inside a class definition, the analysis actually shows two syntactic symbols. The other syntactic symbol assigned to this line is inclass. Similarly, line 6 is given both inclass and topmost-intro syntax:

((inclass 58) (topmost-intro 60))

Line 7 introduces a C++ member initialization list and as such is given member-init-intro syntax. Note that in this case it is not assigned inclass since this is not considered a top-level construct. Lines 8 through 10 are all assigned member-init-cont since they continue the member initialization list started on line 7.

Line 11's analysis is a bit more complicated:

((inclass 58) (inline-open))

This line is assigned a syntax of both inline-open and inclass because it opens an in-class C++ inline method definition. This is distinct from, but related to, the C++ notion of an inline function in that its definition occurs inside an enclosing class definition, which in C++ implies that the function should be inlined. However, if the definition of the Bass constructor appeared outside the class definition, the construct would be given the defun-open syntax, even if the keyword inline appeared before the method name, as in:

 1: class Bass
 2:     : public Guitar,
 3:       public Amplifiable
 4: {
 5: public:
 6:     Bass();
 7: };
 9: inline
10: Bass::Bass()
11:     : eString( new BassString( 0.105 )),
12:       aString( new BassString( 0.085 )),
13:       dString( new BassString( 0.065 )),
14:       gString( new BassString( 0.045 ))
15: {
16:     eString.tune( 'E' );
17:     aString.tune( 'A' );
18:     dString.tune( 'D' );
19:     gString.tune( 'G' );
20: }

Returning to the previous example, line 16 is given inline-close syntax, while line 12 is given defun-block-open syntax, and lines 13 through 15 are all given statement syntax. Line 17 is interesting in that its syntactic analysis list contains three elements:

((inclass 58) (topmost-intro 380) (friend))

The friend syntactic symbol is a modifier that typically does not have a relative buffer position.

Template definitions introduce yet another syntactic symbol:

 1: ThingManager <int,
 2:    Framework::Callback *,
 3:    Mutex> framework_callbacks;

Here, line 1 is analyzed as a topmost-intro, but lines 2 and 3 are both analyzed as template-args-cont lines.

Here is another (totally contrived) example which illustrates how syntax is assigned to various conditional constructs:

 1: void spam( int index )
 2: {
 3:     for( int i=0; i<index; i++ )
 4:     {
 5:         if( i == 10 )
 6:             do_something_special();
 7:         else
 8:           silly_label:
 9:             do_something( i );
10:     }
11:     do {
12:         another_thing( i-- );
13:     }
14:     while( i > 0 );
15: }

Only the lines that illustrate new syntactic symbols will be discussed.

Line 4 has a brace which opens a conditional's substatement block. It is thus assigned substatement-open syntax, and since line 5 is the first line in the substatement block, it is assigned substatement-block-intro syntax. Line 10 contains the brace that closes the inner substatement block, and is therefore given the syntax block-close. Line 13 is treated the same way.

Lines 6 and 9 are also substatements of conditionals, but since they don't start blocks they are given substatement syntax instead of substatement-open.

Line 8 contains a label, which is normally given label syntax. This one is however a bit special since it's between a conditional and its substatement. It's analyzed as substatement-label to let you handle this rather odd case differently from normal labels.

Line 7 start with an else that matches the if statement on line 5. It is therefore given the else-clause syntax and is anchored on the matching if. The try-catch constructs in C++ and Java are treated this way too, except that catch and (in Java) finally, are marked with catch-clause.

The while construct on line 14 that closes a do conditional is given the special syntax do-while-closure if it appears on a line by itself. Note that if the while appeared on the same line as the preceding close brace, that line would still have block-close syntax.

Switch statements have their own set of syntactic symbols. Here's an example:

 1: void spam( enum Ingredient i )
 2: {
 3:     switch( i ) {
 4:     case Ham:
 5:         be_a_pig();
 6:         break;
 7:     case Salt:
 8:         drink_some_water();
 9:         break;
10:     default:
11:         {
12:             what_is_it();
13:             break;
14:         }
15:     }
14: }

Here, lines 4, 7, and 10 are all assigned case-label syntax, while lines 5 and 8 are assigned statement-case-intro. Line 11 is treated slightly differently since it contains a brace that opens a block -- it is given statement-case-open syntax.

There are a set of syntactic symbols that are used to recognize constructs inside of brace lists. A brace list is defined as an enum or aggregate initializer list, such as might statically initialize an array of structs. The three special aggregate constructs in Pike, ({ }), ([ ]) and (< >), are treated as brace lists too. An example:

 1: static char* ingredients[] =
 2: {
 3:     "Ham",
 4:     "Salt",
 5:     NULL
 6: };

Following convention, line 2 in this example is assigned brace-list-open syntax, and line 3 is assigned brace-list-intro syntax. Likewise, line 6 is assigned brace-list-close syntax. Lines 4 and 5 however, are assigned brace-list-entry syntax, as would all subsequent lines in this initializer list.

Your static initializer might be initializing nested structures, for example:

 1: struct intpairs[] =
 2: {
 3:     { 1, 2 },
 4:     {
 5:         3,
 6:         4
 7:     }
 8:     { 1,
 9:       2 },
10:     { 3, 4 }
11: };

Here, you've already seen the analysis of lines 1, 2, 3, and 11. On line 4, things get interesting; this line is assigned brace-entry-open syntactic symbol because it's a bracelist entry line that starts with an open brace. Lines 5 and 6 (and line 9) are pretty standard, and line 7 is a brace-list-close as you'd expect. Once again, line 8 is assigned as brace-entry-open as is line 10.

External language definition blocks also have their own syntactic symbols. In this example:

 1: extern "C"
 2: {
 3:     int thing_one( int );
 4:     int thing_two( double );
 5: }

line 2 is given the extern-lang-open syntax, while line 5 is given the extern-lang-close syntax. The analysis for line 3 yields:

((inextern-lang) (topmost-intro 14))

where inextern-lang is a modifier similar in purpose to inclass.

There are various other top level blocks like extern, and they are all treated in the same way except that the symbols are named after the keyword that introduces the block. E.g. C++ namespace blocks get the three symbols namespace-open, namespace-close and innamespace. The currently recognized top level blocks are:

extern-lang-open, extern-lang-close, inextern-lang
extern blocks in C and C++.(28)

namespace-open, namespace-close, innamespace
namespace blocks in C++.

module-open, module-close, inmodule
module blocks in CORBA IDL.

composition-open, composition-close, incomposition
composition blocks in CORBA CIDL.

A number of syntactic symbols are associated with parenthesis lists, a.k.a argument lists, as found in function declarations and function calls. This example illustrates these:

 1: void a_function( int line1,
 2:                  int line2 );
 4: void a_longer_function(
 5:     int line1,
 6:     int line2
 7:     );
 9: void call_them( int line1, int line2 )
10: {
11:     a_function(
12:         line1,
13:         line2
14:         );
16:     a_longer_function( line1,
17:                        line2 );
18: }

Lines 5 and 12 are assigned arglist-intro syntax since they are the first line following the open parenthesis, and lines 7 and 14 are assigned arglist-close syntax since they contain the parenthesis that closes the argument list.

Lines that continue argument lists can be assigned one of two syntactic symbols. For example, Lines 2 and 17 are assigned arglist-cont-nonempty syntax. What this means is that they continue an argument list, but that the line containing the parenthesis that opens the list is not empty following the open parenthesis. Contrast this against lines 6 and 13 which are assigned arglist-cont syntax. This is because the parenthesis that opens their argument lists is the last character on that line.

Note that there is no arglist-open syntax. This is because any parenthesis that opens an argument list, appearing on a separate line, is assigned the statement-cont syntax instead.

A few miscellaneous syntactic symbols that haven't been previously covered are illustrated by this C++ example:

 1: void Bass::play( int volume )
 2: const
 3: {
 4:     /* this line starts a multiline
 5:      * comment.  This line should get `c' syntax */
 7:     char* a_multiline_string = "This line starts a multiline \
 8: string.  This line should get `string' syntax.";
10:   note:
11:     {
12: #ifdef LOCK
13:         Lock acquire();
14: #endif // LOCK
15:         slap_pop();
16:         cout << "I played "
17:              << "a note\n";
18:     }
19: }

The lines to note in this example include:

Multiline preprocessor macro definitions are normally handled just like other code, i.e. the lines inside them are indented according to the syntactic analysis of the preceding lines inside the macro. The first line inside a macro definition (i.e. the line after the starting line of the cpp directive itself) gets cpp-define-intro. In this example:

 1: #define LIST_LOOP(cons, listp)                         \
 2:   for (cons = listp; !NILP (cons); cons = XCDR (cons)) \
 3:     if (!CONSP (cons))                                 \
 4:       signal_error ("Invalid list format", listp);     \
 5:     else

line 1 is given the syntactic symbol cpp-macro. The first line of a cpp directive is always given that symbol. Line 2 is given cpp-define-intro, so that you can give the macro body as a whole some extra indentation. Lines 3 through 5 are then analyzed as normal code, i.e. substatement on lines 3 and 4, and else-clause on line 5.

The syntactic analysis inside macros can be turned off with c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros. In that case, lines 2 through 5 would all be given cpp-macro-cont with a relative buffer position pointing to the # which starts the cpp directive(29).

See section 6. Macro Handling, for more info about the treatment of macros.

In Objective-C buffers, there are three additional syntactic symbols assigned to various message calling constructs. Here's an example illustrating these:

 1: - (void)setDelegate:anObject
 2:           withStuff:stuff
 3: {
 4:     [delegate masterWillRebind:self
 5:               toDelegate:anObject
 6:               withExtraStuff:stuff];
 7: }

Here, line 1 is assigned objc-method-intro syntax, and line 2 is assigned objc-method-args-cont syntax. Lines 5 and 6 are both assigned objc-method-call-cont syntax.

Java has a concept of anonymous classes, which may look something like this:

 1: public void watch(Observable o) {
 2:     o.addObserver(new Observer() {
 3:             public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
 4:                 history.addElement(arg);
 5:             }
 6:         });
 7: }

The brace following the new operator opens the anonymous class. Lines 3 and 6 are assigned the inexpr-class syntax, besides the inclass symbol used in normal classes. Thus, the class will be indented just like a normal class, with the added indentation given to inexpr-class.

There are a few occasions where a statement block may be used inside an expression. One is in C or C++ code using the gcc extension for this, e.g:

 1: int res = ({
 2:         int y = foo (); int z;
 3:         if (y > 0) z = y; else z = - y;
 4:         z;
 5:     });

Lines 2 and 5 get the inexpr-statement syntax, besides the symbols they'd get in a normal block. Therefore, the indentation put on inexpr-statement is added to the normal statement block indentation.

In Pike code, there are a few other situations where blocks occur inside statements, as illustrated here:

 1: array itgob()
 2: {
 3:     string s = map (backtrace()[-2][3..],
 4:                     lambda
 5:                         (mixed arg)
 6:                     {
 7:                         return sprintf ("%t", arg);
 8:                     }) * ", " + "\n";
 9:     return catch {
10:             write (s + "\n");
11:         };
12: }

Lines 4 through 8 contain a lambda function, which CC Mode recognizes by the lambda keyword. If the function argument list is put on a line of its own, as in line 5, it gets the lambda-intro-cont syntax. The function body is handled as an inline method body, with the addition of the inlambda syntactic symbol. This means that line 6 gets inlambda and inline-open, and line 8 gets inline-close(30).

On line 9, catch is a special function taking a statement block as its argument. The block is handled as an in-expression statement with the inexpr-statement syntax, just like the gcc extended C example above. The other similar special function, gauge, is handled like this too.

Two other syntactic symbols can appear in old style, non-prototyped C code (31):

 1: int add_three_integers(a, b, c)
 2:      int a;
 3:      int b;
 4:      int c;
 5: {
 6:     return a + b + c;
 7: }

Here, line 2 is the first line in an argument declaration list and so is given the knr-argdecl-intro syntactic symbol. Subsequent lines (i.e. lines 3 and 4 in this example), are given knr-argdecl syntax.

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