6. Add New Elements
If you'd like to add new HTML elements to this package, you should first take
a look at the file `hm--html-not-standard.el', which
already contains some non-standard elements. If you find your tags
there, you should uncomment the line (require
in the file `hm--html-mode.el'. There are
also menu entries for these elements in the file
`hm--html-menu.el', which are commented out. Don't forget to
recompile the changed lisp files after that!
If you don't find your new elements there, you should do the following
steps to add them:
Locate a tag which is similar to the one you want to add. "Similar"
means that it is inserted in the way you want to insert the new
tags. Now let's assume, that you chose `<strong></strong>'.
Look at the file `hm--html.el' and search the function(s) which
inserts the similar tag(s). If the HTML element consists of only one
tag, then there should be only one function for inserting the tag. If
the element consists of a start and an end tag, there are at least two
functions. Only in some special cases, if it is possible to insert
elements with different attribute values, are there more than two
functions. In the case of `<strong></strong>', there are the two
. The first one is used if no
region is active, and the second if a region is active. The naming scheme
of these functions is always hm--html-add-<tagname> and
hm--html-add-<tagname>-to-region. <tagname> is not in all
cases the tagname. Sometimes a more human readable name is used (e.g.
bold instead of b).
To get the right indentation for the new tags you should add an entry
for them to the alist of the variable
which is defined in the file `hm--html-configuration.el'. Let's
assume that the new tagname is `foo'. The entry in
should be
| ("foo" (:hm--html-one-element-tag t))
if the new element consists only of one tag (`img' is such an
element) or
| ("foo" (:hm--html-two-element-tag t))
if the new element consists of two tags (`strong' is such an
element) or
| ("foo" (:hm--html-one-or-two-element-tag t))
if the new element consists of two tags, but it is permissible to use the
start tag without its end tag (`p' is such an element).
Now you are ready and able to insert the new tags with
| M-x hm--html-add-foo-to-region
If you want to add the new commands also to the popup menu,
then you have to take a look at `hm--html-menu.el', where all the
menus are defined. Look at hm--html-menu-noregion-expert
. The first one is used if no region is
active, and the second if a region is active (both are only available
if the "expert menus" are used; this is an option in the pulldown
menu). You should now add an entry like
| ["Foo" hm--html-add-foo t]
to the hm--html-menu-noregion-expert
variable and an entry
| ["Foo" hm--html-add-foo-to-region t]
to the hm--html-menu-region-expert
variable (only if
exists). You can do this by setting the
whole variable to a new value or by using the function
. I recommend the last method.
If you'd like to have a key sequence for inserting the new tag as well,
take a look at `hm--html-keys.el'. There are
different key tables defined for region and no region cases and for
different sorts of elements, like anchors, frame elements (doesn't mean
the Netscape element frame) and so on. These "groups" are the same as
the submenu groups.
This document was generated
by XEmacs Webmaster on October, 2 2007
using texi2html