7. Tips
Here are some random tips.
PGP provides quite good security when used correctly. You are far more
likely to use it correctly if you have read the directions. Read the
PGP User's Guide!
60 seconds is a relatively safe but somewhat inconvenient value for
. If your paranoia permits, consider increasing
it to five or ten minutes (see section 4. Passphrase Cache).
If Mailcrypt ever does something you wish it had not, DON'T
PANIC. Just use the normal Emacs undo command, M-x undo or
C-x u, to restore your buffer (see section `Undoing Changes' in The GNU Emacs Manual). Mailcrypt keeps almost no state
except what you see in your buffer, so any action can be undone this
All Mailcrypt operations place PGP's output in the
buffer. Check it occasionally for status and warning messages.
Add yourself to the Mailcrypt announcements mailing list (see section 9.3 Mailing List). That way you can find out about new versions of Mailcrypt
automatically, and we can enjoy the feeling that people are actually
using our package.
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