Current maintainer : | Max Maischein
Author(s) : | Max Maischein
Recipe homepage : | <none>
The documentation file was last modified on
Sat Jul 22 15:49:58 2000. is a simple image inclusion recipe used for linking a small image with
an enlarged version of that image.
Compatible Genpage Versions |
Version 1.0.3 and above.
thumbnail( aLargeImageURL )
aLargeImageURL is the URL of the large image, the URL of the small image
is assumed to be the same as the URL of the large image except that the name of the
small image is "t_LargeImageName".
First of all, the file must be included in some content by using
<!-- _GP_ recipe( "" ) -->
Let's assume that there are two files, Image.jpg
and t_Image.jpg
and that t_Image.jpg
is the thumbnail image.
<!-- _GP_ thumbnail("Image.jpg") -->
This will result in the following HTML :
<A href="Image.jpg"><IMG src="t_Image.jpg;"></A>
That's all there is to it.
- Add
and height=
tags for the thumbnail
None known :)
This page generated using Genpage - Version: 1.0.7 on Wed Aug 15 15:23:30 2001
© Max Maischein