Download the plain text (non-html) version of this script.
# Title : hfinger - show if sombody 'finger'ed you
# Author : Heiner Steven
# Date : 1994-08-30
# Category : System Administration
# SCCS-Id. : @(#) hfinger 1.2 03/12/19
# Description
PN=`basename "$0"` # Program name
# Determine mail program knowing "-s" argument
[ -x /bin/mailx ] && Mail=mailx
usage () {
echo >&2 "$PN - show when somebody 'finger's you, $VER (stv '94)"
exit 1
fatal () {
for i
do echo "$PN: $i" >&2
exit 1
: ${LOGNAME:=`who am i | cut -d' ' -f1`} # receiver of mail
: ${FINGERMSG:=$HOME/TODO} # file to print
: ${FINGERLOG:=$HOME/lib/finger.log} # log file
Pipe=${TMPDIR:=/tmp}/info # innocent name...
[ $# -gt 0 -a X"$1" = X"-h" ] && usage
[ -r "$FINGERMSG" ] || fatal "file $FINGERMSG not found"
trap "rm -f $Pipe $Plan; [ -f $Plan.alt ] && mv $Plan.alt $Plan" 0
trap "exit 1" 1 2 3 15
[ -f "$Plan" ] && mv "$Plan" "$Plan".alt
mknod $Pipe p || fatal "cannot create named pipe"
chmod 744 $Pipe || fatal "cannot change mode of named pipe"
ln -s $Pipe $Plan || fatal "cannot create symbolic link"
while :
# cp blocks on write to the named pipe until sombody
# reads the pipe (i.e. with "finger")
# somebody read the file .plan:
$Mail -s "$PN" $LOGNAME <<!
*** $PN: sombody fingered you (`date`) ***
$ netstat -n | grep ESTAB
`netstat -n | grep ESTAB`
$ who
$ w
$ ps -auxww
`ps -auxww`
echo "`date '+%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` somebody fingered me!" << $FINGERLOG
sleep 2
exit 0 # never reached