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Enhanced Implementation of Emacs Interpreted Objects

EIEIO is a framework for writing object oriented applications in emacs lisp, and is a result of my taking various object oriented classes at work and my attempt to understand some of it better by implementing it. The real reason I started eieio is because someone in one of my classes said "I bet emacs can't do that!". Well then, I just had to prove them wrong!

1. Introduction  Why use eieio? Basic overview, samples list.
2. CLOS compatibility  What are the differences?
3. Building Classes  How to write new class structures.
4. Default Superclass  The root superclasses.
5. Making New Objects  How to construct new objects.
6. Accessing Slots  How to access a slot.
7. Writing Methods  How to write a CLOS style method.
8. Predicates and Utilities  Class-p, Object-p, etc-p.
9. Association Lists  List of objects as association lists.
10. Introspection  Looking inside a class.
11. Signals  When you make errors
12. Base Classes  Additional classes you can inherit from.
13. Browsing class trees  Browsing your class lists.
14. Class Values  Displaying information about a class or object.
15. Customizing Objects  Customizing objects.
16. Documentation  Automatically creating texinfo documentation
17. Naming Conventions  Name your objects in an Emacs friendly way.
18. Demo Programs  Some examples using eieio.
Function Index  

As of this writing, updates can be found at: ftp://ftp.ultranet.com/pub/zappo.

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