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1.0 Using ispell from emacs  
1.1 Old Emacs  
1.2 Your private dictionary  
1.3 All commands in emacs mode  
1.4 Definition of a near miss  
1.5 Where it came from  
-- The Detailed Node Listing ---
Using ispell from emacs
1.0.1 Checking a single word  
1.0.2 Checking a whole buffer  
1.0.3 Checking a region  
1.0.4 Using Multiple Dictionaries  

Ispell is a program that helps you to correct spelling errors in a file, and to find the correct spelling of words. When presented with a word that is not in the dictionary, ispell attempts to find near misses that might include the word you meant.

This manual describes how to use ispell, as well as a little about its implementation.

1.0 Using ispell from emacs  
1.1 Old Emacs  
1.2 Your private dictionary  
1.3 All commands in emacs mode  
1.4 Definition of a near miss  
1.5 Where it came from  

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