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6. $B<-=q%U%)!<%^%C%H0lMw(B

6.1 SDIC $B%U%)!<%^%C%H(B  
6.2 dictd $B%U%)!<%^%C%H(B  
6.3 cookie $B%U%!%$%k(B  
6.4 $B3F<o(B CD-ROM $B<-=q(B  
6.5 NDTP $B<-=q%5!<%P(B  
6.6 DICT $B<-=q%5!<%P(B  

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6.1 SDIC $B%U%)!<%^%C%H(B

SDIC $B%U%)!<%^%C%H(B $B$H$O!"(BEmacs $B$G;H$($k4J0W8!:w%=%U%H(B SDIC (7) $B$G:NMQ$5$l$F$$$k9T;X8~$N<-=q7A<0$G$9!#(BLookup $B$G$O(B ndic $B%(!<%8%'%s%H$K(B $B$h$j8!:w$,9T$J$($^$9!#(B(see section 7.1 ndic)

SDIC $B%U%)!<%^%C%H$NFCD'(B

SDIC $B%U%)!<%^%C%H$N35MW(B

SDIC $B<-=q$O(B `.sdic' $B$r3HD%;R$H$9$kC10l$N%U%!%$%k$+$i$J$j!"(B $B<!$N$h$&$JFbMF$K$J$C$F$$$^$9!#(B

<H>Foo</H><K>foo</K>This is first entry.
<H>Bar Baz</H><K>bar</K><K>baz</K>This is second entry.

<H> ... </H> $B$H$J$C$F$$$kItJ,$,%(%s%H%j$N8+=P$7!"(B <K> ... </K> $B$H$J$C$F$$$kItJ,$,8!:w$KMQ$$$i$l$k(B $B%-!<%o!<%I!":G8e$NItJ,$,@bL@FbMF$G$9!#8!:w$O<!$N$h$&$K$7$F9T$J$o$l$^$9!#(B

grep <K>word</K> dict.sdic
grep <K>word dict.sdic
grep word</K> dict.sdic
grep word dict.sdic

$B$h$j>\:Y$J@bL@$O!"(BSDIC $B$KImB0$N;EMM=q$r;2>H$7$F2<$5$$!#(B


$B<-=q%U%!%$%k$rE,Ev$J%G%#%l%/%H%j$KMQ0U$7!"(Bndic $B%(!<%8%'%s%H$r@_Dj$7$F2<(B $B$5$$!#(B

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6.2 dictd $B%U%)!<%^%C%H(B

dictd $B%U%)!<%^%C%H(B $B$H$O!"(BDICT $B%W%m%8%'%/%H(B (8) $B$GG[I[$5$l$F$$$k<-=q%5!<%P(B dictd $B$GMQ$$$i$l$F$$$kHf3SE*C1=c$J<-=q7A<0$G$9!#(B Lookup $B$G$O(B ndic $B5Z$S(B ndict $B%(!<%8%'%s%H$K$h$j8!:w$,9T$J$($^$9!#(B (see section 7.1 ndic, see section 7.4 ndict)

dictd $B%U%)!<%^%C%H$NFCD'(B

dictd $B%U%)!<%^%C%H$N35MW(B

dictd $B<-=q$O(B `.index' $B$r3HD%;R$H$9$k%$%s%G%C%/%9%U%!%$%k$H!"(B `.dict' $B$r3HD%;R$H$9$kK\J8%U%!%$%k$+$i$J$j!"$=$l$>$l<!$N$h$&$J(B $BFbMF$K$J$C$F$$$^$9!#(B

foo     A2      w
bar     Bc      Ab


  Here is explanation of foo.


  Here is explanation of bar.


$BK\J8%U%!%$%k$O$3$N$h$&$KC1$J$k%W%l!<%s%F%-%9%H$G$"$j!"%$%s%G%C%/%9%U%!%$(B $B%k$N3F9T$K$=$l$>$l$N%(%s%H%j$N>pJs$,JB$Y$i$l$^$9!#=g$K!":G=i$N%3%i%`$,8+(B $B=P$78l!"FsHVL\$,K\J8$N3+;O0LCV!";0HVL\$,K\J8$ND9$5$rI=$o$7$^$9!#3F%3%i%`(B $B$O%?%V$G6h@Z$i$l!"FsHVL\!";0HVL\$NCM$O(B base64 $B$G%(%s%3!<%I$5$l$F$$$^$9!#(B

$B8!:w;~$O$^$:%$%s%G%C%/%9%U%!%$%k$+$iL\E*$N8+=P$78l$,8+IU$1=P$5$l!"$=$&$7(B $B$FF@$i$l$?>pJs$+$i8zN(E*$KK\J8$,<h$j=P$5$l$^$9!#(B

$B$h$j>\:Y$J@bL@$O!"(Bdictd $B$N%^%K%e%"%k%Z!<%8$r;2>H$7$F2<$5$$!#(B

dictd $B<-=q$NMxMQ(B

dictd $B<-=q$O!"(Bndic $B5Z$S(B ndict $B%(!<%8%'%s%H$+$i8!:w$9$k$3$H$,2DG=$G$9!#(B ndict $B%(!<%8%'%s%H$rMQ$$$kJ}$,$h$j9bB.$J8!:w$,2DG=$G$9$,!"%5!<%P$N@_Dj$,(B $BI,MW$J$V$s$$$/$i$+<j4V$,3]$+$j$^$9!#(Bdictd $B$N@_Dj$K$D$$$F$O!"(B 6.6 DICT $B<-=q%5!<%P(B $B$r;2>H$7$F2<$5$$!#(B

ndic $B%(!<%8%'%s%H$G$"$l$P@_Dj$O:G>.8B$G:Q$_$^$9$,!"(Bndic $B$O:G=i$K%$%s%G%C(B $B%/%9$rA4$FFI$_9~$`$?$a!"Hf3SE*B?$/$N%a%b%j$rI,MW$H$9$k$3$H$KCm0U$7$F2<$5(B $B$$!#>/$J$/$H$bMxMQ$9$k%$%s%G%C%/%9%U%!%$%k$h$j$b==J,Bg$-$J%a%b%j$NM>M5$N(B $B$"$k$3$H$,I,MW$G$9!#(B

ndic $B%(!<%8%'%s%H$rMQ$$$k>l9g!"%$%s%G%C%/%9%U%!%$%k$HK\J8%U%!%$%k$NN>J}(B $B$r$=$m$($F!"E,Ev$J%G%#%l%/%H%j$KCV$$$F2<$5$$!#K\J8%U%!%$%k$O(B dictd $BG[I[J*$K4^$^$l$k(B dictzip $B%3%^%s%I$G05=L$7$F$*$$$F$b(B $B9=$$$^$;$s!#$3$l$O<!$N$h$&$K<B9T$7$^$9!#(B

% dictzip file.dict

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6.3 cookie $B%U%!%$%k(B

cookie $B%U%!%$%k(B $B$H$O!"(Bfortune $B%W%m%0%i%`$J$I$GMQ$$$i$l$k(B fortune cookie (9)E*$K%m%0%$%s;~$K$3$l$r%i%s%@%`$GI=<($9$k$h$&$K$J$C$F$$$k!#(B} $B$r=8$a$?%U%!%$%k$G$9!#(BLookup $B$G$O(B ndcookie $B%(!<%8%'%s%H$K$h$jMxMQ$9$k(B $B$3$H$,=PMh$^$9!#(B(see section 7.8 ndcookie)

cookie $B%U%!%$%k$NFCD'(B

cookie $B%U%!%$%k$N35MW(B

cookie $B%U%!%$%k$O(B `.lines' $B$r3HD%;R$H$9$kC10l$N%U%!%$%k$+$i$J$j!"(B $B<!$N$h$&$JFbMF$K$J$C$F$$$^$9!#(B

Cookie file example
This is first sentence.^@
This is second sentence.^@

$B$3$3$G(B `^@' $B$H$"$k$N$O(B ASCII $B%3!<%I(B 0 $B$NJ8;z$G$9!#%U%!%$%k$N@hF,$+(B $B$i:G=i$N(B `^@' $B$^$G$,%3%a%s%H$H$J$j!"B3$/9T$+$i<!$N(B `^@' $B$^$G(B $B$,0l$D$N(B cookie $B$H$J$C$F$$$^$9!#(B

cookie $B%U%!%$%k$NMxMQ(B

$B%U%!%$%k$rE,Ev$J%G%#%l%/%H%j$KMQ0U$7!"(Bndcookie $B$N@_Dj$r9T$J$C$F2<$5$$!#(B

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6.4 $B3F<o(B CD-ROM $B<-=q(B



[ $B$3$N>O$O$^$@0HwESCf$G$9(B ]

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6.5 NDTP $B<-=q%5!<%P(B

NDTP $B$H$O!"%M%C%H%o!<%/$G(B CD-ROM $B<-=q$r6&M-$9$k$?$a$K:n$i$l$?8!:w(B $BMQ%W%m%H%3%k$G$9!#(BLookup $B$G$O(B ndtp $B%(!<%8%'%s%H$K$h$j(B NDTP $B%5!<%P$H$d$j(B $B$H$j$9$k$3$H$,=PMh$^$9!#(B(see section 7.3 ndtp)



NDTP (Network Dictionary Transport Protocol) $B$O(B dserver (10) $B$H$$$&8!:w%=%U%H%&%'%"$N(B $BCf$GFH<+$KDj5A$5$l$?$b$N$G!"4J7i$J%3%^%s%IBN7O$r;}$D%F%-%9%H%Y!<%9$N(B $B%W%m%H%3%k$G$9!#<!$N$h$&$J1~Ez$K$J$j$^$9!#(B

   % telnet localhost ndtp
   Connected to localhost.
   Escape character is '^]'.
C> Akei
S> $A
C> t
S> 1       $B9q8l<-E5(B        KOKUGO  0       0       900
S> 2       $B1QOB<-E5(B        EIWA    0       0       900
S> 3       $BOB1Q<-E5(B        WAEI    0       0       900
S> $*
C> L1
S> $*
C> Patest
S> $0
S> $B%F%9%H(B
S> 668c:73e
S> $$
C> S668c:73e
S> $1
S> $B%F%9%H(B
S> [$BL>(B] 1. $B;n83(B....
S> $$
C> Q
   Connection closed by foreign host.

NDTP $B%5!<%P$N@_Dj(B

[ $B$3$N@a$O$^$@0HwESCf$G$9(B ]

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6.6 DICT $B<-=q%5!<%P(B

DICT $B$H$O!"(BRFC 2229 $B$H$7$FDj5A$5$l$F$$$k<-=q8!:wMQ%W%m%H%3%k(B $B$G$9!#(BLookup $B$G$O(B ndict $B%(!<%8%'%s%H$K$h$j(B DICT $B%5!<%P$H$d$j$H$j$9$k$3$H(B $B$,=PMh$^$9!#(B(see section 7.4 ndict)



   % telnet localhost dict
   Connected to localhost.
   Escape character is '^]'.
S> 220 localhost dictd 1.4.8/rf <auth.mime> <27831.860032493@localhost>
C> CLIENT ndict
S> 250 ok
S> 110 3 databases present
S> jargon "Jargon File (4.0.0/24 July 1996)"
S> foldoc "The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (15Feb98)"
S> vera "Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (1.4a)"
S> .
S> 250 ok
C> MATCH * exact "test"
S> 152 1 matches found
S> jargon "test"
S> .
S> 250 ok [d/m/c = 0/1/27; 0.000r 0.000u 0.000s]
C> DEFINE jargon "test"
S> 150 1 definitions retrieved
S> 151 "test" jargon "Jargon File (4.0.0/24 July 1996)"
S> test /n./  1. Real users bashing on a prototype long enough to
S>    get thoroughly acquainted with it, with careful monitoring and
S>    followup of the results.  2. Some bored random user trying a couple
S>    of the simpler features with a developer looking over his or her
S>    shoulder, ready to pounce on mistakes.  Judging by the quality of
S>    most software, the second definition is far more prevalent.  See
S>    also {demo}.
S> .
S> 250 ok [d/m/c = 1/0/11; 0.033r 0.000u 0.009s]
S> 221 bye [d/m/c = 0/0/0; 179.328r 0.000u 0.011s]
   Connection closed by foreign host.

DICT $B%5!<%P$N@_Dj(B

[ $B$3$N@a$O$^$@0HwESCf$G$9(B ]

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