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4. Composing messages

This section shows you how to compose a message. With Mew, you can create only MIME messages(messages without MIME-Version: cannot be composed).

The followings are methods to enter Draft mode to write a new message.

  1. Type `M-x mew-send'.
  2. Type `C-xm' if `mail-user-agent' is configured.
  3. Press `w' in Summary mode.

Then a buffer like the following is prepared.

X-Mailer:Mew version 1.94 on XEmacs 20.4

We call this "Draft mode". In Draft mode, we call the region above "----" header. Also the region below "----" body.

Also, replying a message (`a' or `A') and/or forwarding messages (`f' or `F') lead you to Draft mode from Summary mode.

A draft is temporary stored under the +draft folder. You can write multiple messages at the same time.

Now let's see how to use Draft mode.

4.1 Completions in a header  
4.2 Circular completions in a header  Circular completion in a header
4.3 Address Book  
4.4 Sending a message  
4.5 Citation  
4.6 Composing multipart  
4.7 Charset guess  
4.8 Replying to a message and deciding recipients  
4.9 Forwarding messages  
4.10 Using PGP  
4.11 Mark based composer  
4.12 PGP key distribution  

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4.1 Completions in a header

In header, completions each field are assigned to `TAB' as follows:

<Field completion>

If the cursor is on the beginning of a line and the previous line does not end with ",", you can complete field defined in the `mew-fields' variable with `TAB'.

To: kazu@mew.org

At the point above, if you type `TAB', you get:

To: kazu@mew.org

<Address completion and expansion>

You can define an easy-to-remember short name for a long or hard-to-remember address with Mew's Addrbook feature. For example, consider the following configuration:

pooh:           winnie-the-pooh@100acre.woodwest.uk

This means to replace the string "pooh" with "winnie-the-pooh@100acre.woodwest.uk". Note that short names should usually be configured in "~/.im/Addrbook". For more information about Addrbook, please refer to See section 4.3 Address Book.

In a header in Draft mode and on the field supposed to write addresses and one or more characters precede, you can complete an short name for address with `TAB'.

Let's look at the following example.

To: piglet@beech.tree.uk, 

If you input `TAB' up above, "pooh" is completed (unless other candidates exist).

To: piglet@beech.tree.uk, 

One more type of `TAB' expands it to "winnie-the-pooh@100acre.woodwest.uk".

To: piglet@beech.tree.uk, 

If you type `TAB' at improper point for address completion, `TAB' is inserted. Consider the following example:

To: pooh,`TAB'

In this case, `TAB' is just inserted.

A string ended with "@" is explicitly expanded. Consider the following case where similar short names are defined.

pooh:           winnie-the-pooh@100acre.woodwest.uk
pooh-pooh:      pooh-pooh@somewhere.jp

To expand "pooh" to "winnie-the-pooh@100acre.woodwest.uk", take this way.

To: pooh@`TAB'

<Folder completion>

At a point, such as Fcc:, supposed to complete a folder, you can complete a folder with `TAB'. Let's look at an example.

Fcc: `TAB'

Here, "+" is completed.

Fcc: +`TAB'

One more type of `TAB' shows candidates. Please input appropriate characters then type `TAB'.

Fcc: +B`TAB'

If a candidate can be solely decided, you get a completion.

Fcc: +Backup

<Hints of customization>

You can define which field allows address and folder completion in `mew-field-completion-switch'. The following declaration is used by default.

(defvar mew-field-completion-switch
  '(("To:"        . mew-complete-address)
    ("Cc:"        . mew-complete-address)
    ("Dcc:"       . mew-complete-address)
    ("Bcc:"       . mew-complete-address)
    ("Reply-To:"  . mew-complete-address)
    ("Fcc:"       . mew-complete-folder)
    ("Resent-To:" . mew-complete-address)
    ("Resent-Cc:" . mew-complete-address)
    ("Config:"    . mew-complete-config)))

Please refer to See section 9.5 Config to know completion for Config:.

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4.2 Circular completions in a header

In a header, circular completions are assigned to `C-cTAB'. Circular completion means that a value of alist is replaced by the next value of the list. The end of the list is considered continuous to the top of the list. Circular completions in a header are different for each field as follows:

<Circular completion of domain name>

On a field where addresses are written, use `C-cTAB' for domain completion. Candidates are selected from `mew-mail-domain-list'.

To: kazu@`C-cTAB'

If you try to complete just after "@" as up above, the first domain of `mew-mail-domain-list' is inserted.

To: kazu@mew.org`C-cTAB'

After completion, one more type of `C-cTAB' inserts the next domain of `mew-mail-domain-list'. This completion is looped.

To: kazu@wide.ad.jp

If a candidate can be solely decided, it is inserted.

To: kazu@w`C-cTAB'

The example up above gets:

To: kazu@wide.ad.jp

<Circular completion of From:>

On the From: field, `C-cTAB' circularly completes its value from `mew-from-list'. The first value of the list (aka `mew-from') may have already inserted as follow:

From: Kazu Yamamoto <Kazu@Mew.org>

Typing `C-cTAB' anywhere on the value replaces the value with the next value of `mew-from-list'. For example,

From: Kazu Yamamoto <Kazu@Mew.org>`C-cTAB'

becomes as follows:

From: Kazuhiko Yamamoto <kazu@wide.ad.jp>

You can define association of field key and circular completion function in `mew-field-circular-completion-switch'. The following declaration is used by default.

(defvar mew-field-circular-completion-switch
  '(("To:"          . mew-circular-complete-domain)
    ("Cc:"          . mew-circular-complete-domain)
    ("Dcc:"         . mew-circular-complete-domain)
    ("Bcc:"         . mew-circular-complete-domain)
    ("Reply-To:"    . mew-circular-complete-domain)
    ("Resent-To:"   . mew-circular-complete-domain)
    ("Resent-Cc:"   . mew-circular-complete-domain)
    ("From:"        . mew-circular-complete-from)
    ("Resent-From:" . mew-circular-complete-from)
    ("Config:"      . mew-circular-complete-config)))

Please refer to See section 9.5 Config to know circular completion for Config:.

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4.3 Address Book

Mew 1.94 provides an address book which integrates aliases and Petname. After this, neither aliases("~/.im/Aliases") nor Petname("~/.im/Petname") will be maintained. So, please migrate to the address book("~/.im/Addrbook"). The address book provides 2 formats. One is to specify expansion rules, the other is to define personal information.

First, let's look at the format to specify expansion rules.

<shortname>: <address1>[, <address2>, <address3>,...]

In this way, you should specify a short name and a full address separating by `:'. If you want to expand the short name to multiple addresses, specify them separating by `,'. (This is exactly same as addresses separated by `,' in the To: field, for instance.) SPC is allowed after `,'. The following is an example:

pooh:           winnie-the-pooh@100acre.woodwest.uk
piglet:         piglet@beech.tree.uk
friends:        pooh, piglet

Multi-level expansion is possible. For example, let's expand "friends" as follows:

To: friends`TAB'

"friends" is expanded to "pooh" and "piglet" internally, then each word is also expand resulting as follows:

To: winnie-the-pooh@100acre.woodwest.uk, piglet@beech.tree.uk

Next, the format to define personal information is shown below:

<shortname> <address1>[, <address2>, <address3>,...] <nickname> <fullname>

In this way, four elements are separated by SPC. <shortname> is a short name. <nickname> and <fullname> are his/her nickname and his/her full name, respectively. The second element is his/her addresses. If he/she has multiple addresses, enumerate them separating by `,'. SPC is allowed after `,'. So, this SPC is not the separator of the elements. SPC surrounded by `"' is not the separator, neither. Let's see an example:

kazu	kazu@mew.org, kazu@iijlab.net	Kazu-kun  "Kazuhiko Yamamoto"

Unlike the format of expansion rules, the format of personal information means that each address will be replaced one by one. Consider the following example:

To: kazu`TAB'

Typing `TAB' after "kazu" leads to "kazu@mew.org".

To: kazu@mew.org`TAB'

Typing `TAB' after "kazu@mew.org" makes "kazu@iijlab.net" appeared.

To: kazu@iijlab.net`TAB'

Then "kazu@mew.org" will appear again if you type `TAB' after "kazu@iijlab.net". In this way, each address is replaced one by one. After deciding an address, you can add its full name.

To: kazu@mew.org`M-TAB'

Like this, typing `M-TAB' replace the address with the following format.

To: Kazuhiko Yamamoto <kazu@mew.org>

In the format of personal information, you can omit each element. When you want to omit intermediate element, specify `*'. The following is an example to define nicknames for addresses.

*	kazu@mew.org, kazu@iijlab.net	Kazu-kun

The nickname is used to replace addresses in Summary mode and to replace the citation prefix(See section 4.5 Citation) in Draft mode.

The comment letters are `;' and `#'. `;' is valid only when it appears in the beginning of lines. The entire line is ignored. `#' is valid everywhere. The strings between `#' and the end of the line is ignored.

As a matter of fact, there are short names to be defined automatically. When you send a message, addresses on the To: and Cc: field are automatically registered with their user names as short names. Consider the following:

To: kazu@mew.org

When this message is sent, a short name "kazu" is automatically registered for the address "kazu@mew.org". If there is already a short name of "kazu", the next action is decided according to `mew-addrbook-override-by-newone'. If `nil', the old entry remains. Otherwise, the new entry overrides the old one. When expanded, the address book is prior to the automatic short name. So, only automatic short names which do not exist in the address book are valid. The limit number of automatic short names is 1000(`mew-lisp-max-length'). If the number is over 1000, the oldest entry is removed. This information is automatically saved to "~/Mail/.mew-alias".

Summary mode provide the feature to register the information of the current message into Addrbook. To register a expansion rule, type `C-cC-a'. To register personal information, type `C-uC-cC-a'.

#If you want to register this entry, type C-c C-c.
#If you want to NOT register this entry, type C-c C-q.
Shortname: kazu
Addresses: kazu@mew.org
Name: Kazuhiko Yamamoto

Add or modify the information if necessary. To register this information, type `C-cC-c'. To quit the registration, type `C-cC-q'

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4.4 Sending a message

When you are ready to send a draft, type `C-cC-m C-cC-c'.

For instance, let's consider the following message to be sent.

To: pooh
Subject: Let's use PGP/MIME
X-Mailer:Mew version 1.94 on XEmacs 20.4
Mew starts walking with security multipart. Enjoy PGP/MIME!


After typing `C-cC-m', you see:

To: winnie-the-pooh@100acre.woodwest.uk
Subject: Let's use PGP/MIME
X-Mailer:Mew version 1.94 on XEmacs 20.4
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Mew starts walking with security multipart. Enjoy PGP/MIME!


You should note that Mew automatically selects Text/Plain for Content-Type: and guesses the charset parameter.

Type `C-cC-c' to send this text message. It is sent background. As you learned, `C-cC-m' is to create a MIME message and `C-cC-c' is to send it. Mew has a policy that a message should be transferred exactly as you look in the last time. So, you are supposed to create MIME explicitly(How many people have embarrassed experiences due to automatic insertion of an extra .signature and Fcc:? :p).

When an error occurs, Mew displays "*Mew watch*" buffer. You can erase "*Mew watch*" buffer with `C-cC-q'. In most case, the draft remains in the +draft folder. So, go to the +draft folder from any Summary mode with `g' and type `E' in Summary mode for the +draft folder to edit it again.

If you try to exit Emacs with `C-xC-c' before the sending process is not completed, you are asked as follows:

Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? (yes or no)

Please wait until the "*Mew watch*" buffer will disappear and give a try again.

You can omit `C-cC-m'. If you do so, Mew automatically creates MIME and asks you as follows:

The header was modified. Send this message? (y or n)

Please type `y' here. Remember Mew has a policy to send a message as you watch. So, when Mew modifies the message it asks you such a question.

You can omit `C-cC-m' in all composing method described below. But I do recommend to have a custom to type `C-cC-m C-cC-c'.

To insert "~/.signature" on the cursor point, type `C-cTAB'. You can define your own signature file to `mew-signature-file'. Setting `mew-signature-as-lastpart' and `mew-signature-insert-last', you can customize the action of `C-cTAB'.

Here is a summary for commands up above.

Make a MIME message. Charset guess, mapping directory structure to multipart, and so on.
Send this message.
Send this message without killing the draft. This is convenient to send messages to multiple people modifying its content a little.
Insert "~/.signature" on the cursor point.

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4.5 Citation

If you use `a' or `A' in Summary mode, a draft for reply is prepared and Emacs is split into three windows. The top is Summary mode, the middle is Message mode, and the bottom is Draft mode.

Here are commands to cite text from Message mode to Draft mode.

Copy and paste a part of message from Message mode WITH citation prefix and label.
  1. Roughly speaking, it copies the body in Message mode. For example, if Text/Plain is displayed, the entire Message mode is copied. If Message/Rfc822 is displayed, the body without the header is copied.
  2. If called with `C-u', the header is also copied if exists.
  3. If an Emacs mark exists, the target is the region between the mark and the cursor.
Copy and paste a part of message from Message mode WITHOUT citation prefix and label.

The default label and prefix is as follows:

From: SUMIKAWA Munechika <sumikawa@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
Subject: Wine
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:40:50 +0900

> Hi, it's Sumikawa, the neat from good morning to good night.
> Talking the party of wonderful wine, I would propose Cabernet 
> Sauvignon, Bordeaux, '90. It would be great if Pinot Noir
> is blended a bit.

In Draft mode, you can cite any text displayed in Message mode("*mew message*" buffer). So, you can cite text from multiple messages easily. Select a message in Summary mode and display it in Message mode, then cite it in Draft mode. Please repeat this procedure as you like. Triple windows are prepared for this purpose.

You can use "supercite" with Mew but before you start using it, configure as follows.

(setq mew-cite-prefix-function 'mew-cite-prefix-username)

With this configuration, the citation prefix is preceded by a user name.

From: SUMIKAWA Munechika <sumikawa@ebina.hitachi.co.jp>
Subject: Wine
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:40:50 +0900

sumikawa> Hi, it's Sumikawa, the neat from good morning to good night.
sumikawa> Talking the party of wonderful wine, I would propose Cabernet 
sumikawa> Sauvignon, Bordeaux, '89. It would be great if Pinot Noir
sumikawa> is blended a bit.

In addition to the configuration above, add the following.

(setq mew-addrbook-for-cite-label 'nickname)
(setq mew-addrbook-for-cite-prefix 'nickname)

With the first line, an address in the citation label is replaced with its nickname(See section 4.3 Address Book). The second line indicates that a user name in the prefix is replaced with its nickname.

From: sumitch
Subject: Wine
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:40:50 +0900

sumitch> Hi, it's Sumikawa, the neat from good morning to good night.
sumitch> Talking the party of wonderful wine, I would propose Cabernet 
sumitch> Sauvignon, Bordeaux, '89. It would be great if Pinot Noir
sumitch> is blended a bit.

If you get the following citation style instead of up above, `mail-citation-hook' might be defined.

In article .....

To use Mew original citation style, put the following into your ".emacs".

(setq mail-citation-hook nil)

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4.6 Composing multipart

OK. Let's see how to create multipart.

When you are writing a message in +draft/1 and type `C-cC-a', the following lines are inserted at the bottom of the draft.

----------------------------- attachments -----------------------------
      Multipart/Mixed                                         1/     
     1  Text/Plain(guess)                                       CoverPage*
     2                                                          .   

"1/" is a temporary directory to create multipart and locates "~/Mail/draft/mime/1". The part 1, "Coverpage", refers to the body. Now the entire draft looks like:

To: mew-dist
Subject: This is header
X-Mailer:Mew version 1.94 on XEmacs 20.4
This is body.

----------------------------- attachments -----------------------------
      Multipart/Mixed                                         1/     
     1  Text/Plain(guess)                                       CoverPage*
     2                                                          .   

Here we call three regions as follows:

In Draft mode, key bindings are different on each region.

To `TAB', for instance, functions are assigned as follows:

Insert TAB.
Do nothing.

To `c', functions are assigned as follows:

Insert c.
Insert c.
Copy a file.

The following is a summary of commands in attachments.

Go to the previous file in the current directory.
Go to the next file in the current directory.
Go to the first subdirectory.
Go to the parent directory.
Copy a file (via networks) on ".". To copy a remote file, use the "/[user@]hostname:/filepath" syntax.
Link a file with a symbolic link on ".". If you want to edit the attached file, you should `c' instead of `l' so that you don't edit the original file.
Delete this file or this directory.
Create a subdirectory(i.e. multipart) on ".".
Open this file into a buffer.
Open a new file into a buffer on ".".
Link the message which is displayed in Message mode on ".".
Input external-body on ".".
Sampling voice and insert as audio file on ".".
Extract the PGP key for the inputed user on ".".
Input a description(Content-Description:).
Change the data type(Content-Type:).
Specify charset for a Text/* object.
Specify a file name(Content-Disposition:) to save this part in the receiver side. If you type just `RET' without any string, its value is cleared. Then the file name in the sender side is displayed with `*'.

In attachments, data types are guessed by suffix. The current supported suffixes are as follows:

.txt       Text/Plain
.html      Text/Html
.rfc822    Message/Rfc822
[0-9]+     Message/Rfc822
.ext       Message/External-body
.ps        Application/PostScript
.tar       Application/Octet-stream ;; dummy
.gif       Image/Gif
.jpg       Image/Jpeg
.jpeg      Image/Jpeg
.png       Image/Png
.xwd       Image/X-xwd
.xbm       Image/X-xbm
.bmp       Image/X-bmp
.au        Audio/Basic
.mpg       Video/Mpeg
.mpeg      Video/Mpeg
.pgp       Application/Octet-Stream
.pka       Application/Pgp-keys
.*         Text/Plain

For instance, if you copy files with `c', the part becomes as follows:(Please choose an appropriate suffix for the file name so that Mew can guesses its data type.)

----------------------------- attachments -----------------------------
      Multipart/Mixed                                         1/   
     1  Text/Plain(guess)                                       CoverPage*
B    2  Image/Gif                    MagicPoint logo            mgp.gif
Q    3  Application/Postscript       Presentation Material      ohp.ps
     4                                                          .

Each line of multipart consists of

Please refer to See section 4.11 Mark based composer to know how to change mark (Content-Transfer-Encoding:). You can change data types(Content-Type:) by `T' at any time. You can also insert descriptions(Content-Description:) by `D'. This description column is overwritten when encrypted as described in See section 4.11 Mark based composer.

Strictly speaking, the fifth column is the copied file name or the value of Content-Disposition:, namely the file name to which the receiver saves the part. If Content-Disposition: exists, Mew displays it. Otherwise, Mew displays the copied file name with `*' appended. When you copy a file, the file name is specified as Content-Disposition:. But this is not true for both Message/* and Multipart/*. To specify Content-Disposition:, use `P'.

Files mean singlepart while directories are regarding with multipart. So, you can create very complex multipart MIME as if you created file system. Very easy, isn't it?

The default data type for directories is Multipart/Mixed. Of course, you can change it by `T'.

After creating multipart, type `C-cC-m'. Amazing! The created file system is transformed to multipart MIME. Of course, multipart of multipart is supported. Just type `C-cC-c' to send it.

If you don't know MIME syntax, please don't modify after `C-cC-m'. If you really want to modify it, please note that the region before the first boundary and the region after the last boundary are ignored.

After transforming multipart, if you want it back, use `C-cC-u'. (Please note that it's not `C-xu' nor `C-_'.

Let's consider Message/External-body by `e'. If access-type is "ftp" or "anon-ftp", you can enjoy completion for a remote file name thanks to ange-ftp. If access-type is "local-file", of course, file completion is available.

If you want to quit creating multipart and to get back to singlepart, type `d' in the top level multipart.

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4.7 Charset guess

Mew has charset guess mechanisms for both singlepart and multipart.


When you type `C-cC-m' on Draft mode, Mew guesses a charset from its body. On Bilingual Emacs, US-ASCII is chosen for 7bit charset while ISO-8859-1 is selected for 8bit charset. On Mule, a charset is chosen based on its internal representation.


When you attach textfile on attachments region, the string "(guess)" is displayed as follows:

----------------------------- attachments -----------------------------
      Multipart/Mixed                                         1/
     1  Text/Plain(guess)                                       CoverPage*
     2  Text/Plain(guess)                                       textfile
     3                                                          .

The difference of charset guess for singlepart and multipart is where the data locates. Singlepart is stored in buffer while each file of multipart is stored in disk. To guess a charset, Mew thus reads a file into buffer and uses the charset guess algorithm of singlepart.

On Bilingual Emacs, Mew reads a file as it is. So, if the file is 7bit, US-ASCII is chosen. Otherwise ISO-8859-1 is selected.

On Mule, Mew reads a file according to the local convention(i.e. auto conversion). The convention is really site dependent. In Japan, ISO-2022-JP, EUC-Japan, and Shift_JIS is neatly guessed and stored in buffer as internal representation for Japanese. Mew decides a charset from the internal representation. That is, you can safely attach ISO-2022-JP, EUC-Japan, and Shift_JIS text files. Functions to decide local convention are called set[up]-<language>-environment. For more information about local convention, read their descriptions.

If you want to explicitly specify charset for a file, use `C' on attachments. A typical example is to attach ISO-8859-1 file in Japanese environment. The attachments region becomes as follows:

----------------------------- attachments -----------------------------
      Multipart/Mixed                                         1/     
     1  Text/Plain(guess)                                       CoverPage*
     2  Text/Plain(iso-8859-1)                                  textfile
     3                                                          .    

Note that `C' is not available on Bilingual Emacs.

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4.8 Replying to a message and deciding recipients

While you specify addresses of the To: and Cc: field for a new message by yourself, addresses are automatically prepared for a reply message.

For a reply message, Mew prepares addresses for the To: and Cc: fields according to the following rules:

If From: of the message to be replied is not from me:
Reply-To: doesn't exist in the message to be replied
Copy From: of the message to be replied to To: (1)
Copy To: and Cc: of the message to be replied to Cc: (2)
Reply-To: exists in the message to be replied
Copy From: and Reply-To: of the message to be replied to To: (3)
Copy To: and Cc: of the message to be replied to Cc: (4)
If From: of a message to be replied is from me:
Copy To: of the message to be replied to To: (5)
Copy Cc: of the message to be replied to Cc: (6)

If there are multiple entries for a certain address, they are uniquefied. Addresses ended with ":;", which stands for anonymous recipients, are automatically removed.

Your addresses are automatically removed. To define your multiple addresses, please use `mew-mail-address-list'. An example is as follows:

(setq mew-mail-address-list

You can customize which fields are copied in the case (1)-(6) with the following variables:

If you want to reply only to the address specified by Reply-To:, configure as follows:

(setq mew-replyto-to-list '("Reply-To:"))
(setq mew-replyto-cc-list nil)

If `a' or `A' is executed with `C-u', From: of the message to be replied is copied to To:, and Cc: becomes empty. You can use this to reply the sender only.

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4.9 Forwarding messages

To forward messages, type `f' or `F' in Summary mode. Then, Draft mode appears and the messages are already attached to the attachments region.

Also, you can prepare the attachments region by yourself, then copy(`c') the messages or make links(`l') to the messages. If the file name of the messages is numeric([0-9]+), they are automatically considered as messages. `y' is very convenient because it make a link to the message displayed in Message mode.

By default, the entire message is forwarded. If you want to remove some parts of its header, define `mew-field-delete-for-forwarding'. The following is an example to remove "Received:" and "Return-Path:" when forwarded.

(setq mew-field-delete-for-forwarding '("Received:" "Return-Path:"))

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4.10 Using PGP

This section describes to sign or encrypt "text only" message with PGP. The following commands are explained.

Sign the entire draft with PGP. Input your passphrase.
Encrypt the entire draft with PGP.
Sign then encrypt the entire draft with PGP. Input your passphrase.
Encrypt then sign the entire draft with PGP. Input your passphrase.

To encrypt a message, receivers' public keys are used. In the contrary, your secret key is used to sign a message. So, you need to input your pass-phrase when sign up. Note that if you use the pass-phrase cache and if pass-phrases are cached, you do not have to type your pass-phrase(See section 3.3 Visualizing PGP/MIME).

They are shortcut methods of mark based composing described in the next subsection.

If you use PGP with Mew, you have to select Email address for your PGP userid(e.g. "Kazuhiko Yamamoto <kazu@mew.org>").

Let's use the following example for further explanations.

To: pooh
Subject: Let's PGP/MIME
X-Mailer:Mew version 1.94 on XEmacs 20.4
Mew starts walking with security multipart. Enjoy PGP/MIME!


To sign with PGP, type `C-cC-s' resulting in the following.

To: winnie-the-pooh@100acre.woodwest.uk
Subject: Let's PGP/MIME
X-Mailer:Mew version 1.94 on XEmacs 20.4
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Multipart/Signed;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Mew starts walking with security multipart. Enjoy PGP/MIME!


Content-Type: Application/Pgp-Signature
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Version: 2.6.3i



Type `C-cC-c' to send it.

To encrypt with PGP, type `C-cC-e'. You get the following message.

To: winnie-the-pooh@100acre.woodwest.uk
Subject: Let's PGP/MIME
X-Mailer:Mew version 1.94 on XEmacs 20.4
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Multipart/Encrypted;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Content-Type: Application/Pgp-Encrypted
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Version: 1

Content-Type: Application/Octet-Stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Version: 2.6.3i



Type `C-cC-c' to send it. This message is encrypted with your public key in addition to the receivers. So you can decrypt backup messages(e.g. Visiting to +Backup with `g').

To sign a draft and then encrypt it, type `C-cC-b'. To encrypt a draft and then sign it, type `C-cC-r'. In either case, type `C-cC-c' to send the draft.

It is very likely that you forget to sign and/or encrypt a draft even if you want to do so. To resolve this, Mew provides automatic PGP mechanism for the massage creation function, `C-cC-m'

If you want to protect privacy of all drafts, set `mew-protect-privacy-always' to `t' and set `mew-protect-privacy-always-type' to one of PGP services.

If you want to protect privacy of drafts replying encrypted messages, set `mew-protect-privacy-encrypted' to `t' and set `mew-protect-privacy-encrypted-type' to one of PGP services. This configuration is preferred to the configuration for all drafts described above in the case of replying encrypted messages.

The following services are available. The strings in brace are symbol of each service. The service applied when `C-cC-m' is displayed in the mode line.

pgp-signature (PS)
pgp-encryption (PE)
pgp-signature-encryption (PSPE)
Sign then encrypt
pgp-encryption-signature (PEPS)
Encrypt then sign

The following example is to sign all drafts when `C-cC-m'.

(setq mew-protect-privacy-always t)
(setq mew-protect-privacy-always-type 'pgp-signature)

The following example is to encrypt drafts replying encrypted messages when `C-cC-m'.

(setq mew-protect-privacy-encrypted t)
(setq mew-protect-privacy-encrypted-type 'pgp-encryption)

In Draft mode, `C-cC-pC-a' toggles `mew-protect-privacy-always' and `C-cC-pC-e' toggles `mew-protect-privacy-encrypted'.

You can specify privacy services for the current draft in Draft mode beforehand so that you don't forget to apply the privacy services when sending. To set privacy services to the current draft evaluated when `C-cC-m', type `C-cC-pC-d' then input one of privacy services above.

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4.11 Mark based composer

To support PGP/MIME, mark based composing is provided. Remember the previous example.

----------------------------- attachments -----------------------------
      Multipart/Mixed                                         1/
     1  Text/Plain(guess)                                       CoverPage*
B    2  Image/Gif                    MagicPoint logo            mgp.gif
Q    3  Application/Postscript       Presentation Material      ohp.ps
     4                                                          .

You can find the `B' mark and the `Q' mark at the beginning of line. Mew provides you with a new concept of "encoding". Encoding includes Base64, Quoted-Printable, Gzip64(Gzip + Base64), sign with PGP, encrypt with PGP.

Currently 6 marks are prepared.

`" "'
No encoding. But 8bit text would be encoded.
Gzip64(compressed with gzip then encoded with Base64. This is experimental. Don't use this if receivers don't use Mew.)
Sign with PGP
Encrypt with PGP

Additional key binding for marks in attachments is as follows:

Put the `B' mark to encode with Base64.
Put the `Q' mark to encode with Quoted-Printable.
Put the `G' mark to encode with Gzip64. This is applicable only to Text/Plain and Application/Postscript since compression is not effective other objects. For example, JPEG is already compressed.
Put the `PS' mark to sign with PGP.
Put the `PE' mark to encrypt with PGP. Input decryptors' addresses.
Unmark. The original mark appears.

Consider the following example. The second part will be signed with PGP then encrypted with PGP for "kazu". Take it easy! It's description is overwritten but saved. The third part will be encoded with Gzip64.

----------------------------- attachments -----------------------------
      Multipart/Mixed                                         1/
     1  Text/Plain(guess)                                       CoverPage*
PSPE 2  Image/Gif                    kazu@mew.org               mgp.gif
G    3  Application/Postscript       Presentation Material      ohp.ps
     4                                                          .

After putting marks, type `C-cC-m' to create PGP/MIME and then press `C-cC-c' to send it.

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4.12 PGP key distribution

To distribute a PGP public key, please use `p' on attachments in Draft mode. It asks whose public key you want to distribute. Just type `RET' if it is yours. If you want to distribute another person's, input his Email address with completion. The PGP public key will distributed as Content-Type: Application/Pgp-keys.

If Mew finds that the part is Application/Pgp-keys, it tries to add the PGP public key onto your PGP public keyring. Remember that Mew is careless about both TRUST and VALIDITY. It is YOU who set these values. Please use "pgp -ke" and "pgp -ks" to change them. If you don't know what TRUST and VALIDITY is, you should learn the web of trust system provided by PGP BEFORE using PGP to protect your privacy.

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