[Top] [Contents] [Index] [ ? ]

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Installing PSGML
3. How to invoke PSGML
4. The Entity Manager
5. Running an external SGML parser
6. SGML Declaration
7. Document Type Declaration
7.1 Precompiled DTD Subsets
7.2 Using a Split Document
7.3 Inserting a DOCTYPE
7.4 Information from the DTD
7.5 Customizing DTD
8. Commands for editing
8.1 Inserting Markup
8.2 Markup completion
8.3 Showing information
8.4 Indentation according to structure
8.5 Move in the element structure
8.6 Editing attributes
8.7 Changing and deleting markup
8.8 Translating between characters and entity references
9. Appearance of text in the buffer
9.1 Folding editing
9.2 Hiding markup
9.3 Highlighting markup
10. Miscellaneous options
11. Bugs
12. Index

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