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RefTeX User Manual

RefTeX is a package for managing Labels, References, Citations and index entries with GNU Emacs.

Don't be discouraged by the size of this manual, which covers RefTeX in great depth. All you need to know to use RefTeX can be summarized on two pages (see section 1.4 RefTeX in a Nutshell). You can go back later to other parts of this document when needed.

1. Introduction  Quick-Start information.
2. Table of Contents  A Tool to move around quickly.
3. Labels and References  Creating and referencing labels.
4. Citations  Creating Citations.
5. Index Support  Creating and Checking Index Entries.
6. Viewing Cross--References  Who references or cites what?
6.1 RefTeX's Menu  The Ref menu in the menubar.
6.2 Default Key Bindings  The default key bindings.
6.3 Faces  Fontification of RefTeX's buffers.
6.4 Multifile Documents  Document spread over many files.
6.5 Language Support  How to support other languages.
6.6 Finding Files  Included TeX files and BibTeX .bib files.
6.8 AUC TeX  Cooperation with AUCTeX.
6.7 Optimizations  When RefTeX is too slow.
6.9 Problems and Work-arounds  First Aid.
6.10 Imprint  Author, Web-site, Thanks
7. Commands  Which are the available commands.
8. Options, Keymaps, Hooks  How to extend and configure RefTeX.
8.12 Keymaps and Hooks  For customization.
9. Changes  A List of recent changes to RefTeX.
The Index
Index  The full index.
1.1 Installation  How to install and activate RefTeX.
1.4 RefTeX in a Nutshell  A brief summary and quick guide.
Labels and References
3.1 Creating Labels  
3.2 Referencing Labels  
3.3 Builtin Label Environments  The environments RefTeX knows about.
3.4 Defining Label Environments  ... and environments it doesn't.
3.5 Reference Info  View the label corresponding to a \ref.
3.6 xr: Cross-Document References  References to external documents.
3.7 varioref: Variable Page References  How to create \vref instead of \ref.
3.8 fancyref: Fancy Cross References  How to create \fref instead of \ref.
Defining Label Environments
3.4.1 Theorem and Axiom Environments  Defined with \newenvironment.
3.4.2 Quick Equation Macro  When a macro sets the label type.
3.4.3 Figure Wrapping Macro  When a macro argument is a label.
3.4.4 Adding Magic Words  Other words for other languages.
3.4.5 Using \eqref  How to switch to this AMS-LaTeX macro.
3.4.6 Non-standard Environments  Environments without \begin and \end
3.4.7 Putting it all together  How to combine many entries.
4.1 Creating Citations  How to create them.
4.2 Citation Styles  Natbib, Harvard, Chicago and Co.
4.3 Citation Info  View the corresponding database entry.
4.4 Chapterbib and Bibunits  Multiple bibliographies in a Document.
4.5 Citations outside LaTeX  How to make citations in Emails etc.
Index Support
5.1 Creating Index Entries  Macros and completion of entries.
5.2 The Index Phrases File  A special file for global indexing.
5.3 Displaying and Editing the Index  The index editor.
5.4 Builtin Index Macros  The index macros RefTeX knows about.
5.5 Defining Index Macros  ... and macros it doesn't.
The Index Phrases File
5.2.1 Collecting Phrases  Collecting from document or external.
5.2.2 Consistency Checks  Check for duplicates etc.
5.2.3 Global Indexing  The interactive indexing process.
6.8.1 The AUCTeX-RefTeX Interface  How both packages work together
6.8.2 Style Files  AUCTeX's style files can support RefTeX
6.8.3 Bib-Cite  Hypertext reading of a document
Options, Keymaps, Hooks
8.1 Table of Contents  
8.2 Defining Label Environments  
8.3 Creating Labels  
8.4 Referencing Labels  
8.5 Creating Citations  
8.6 Index Support  
8.7 Viewing Cross-References  
8.8 Finding Files  
8.9 Optimizations  
8.10 Fontification  
8.11 Miscellaneous  

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