Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Getting started
3. Basic usage
3.1 Windows
3.2 Indicators
3.3 Commands
3.3.1 IRC commands
3.3.2 Window manipulating commands
3.3.3 Status toggle commands
4. Advanced usage
4.1 Startup file
4.2 Server settings
4.3 Connecting to multiple servers
4.4 Add-ons
4.4.1 Add-on browser
4.4.2 Available add-ons
5. Tips
5.1 $BD>A0$KA*Br$7$F$$$?%A%c%s%M%k$K0\F0$7$?$$(B
5.2 $BH/8@$,$"$k$H%P%C%U%!$,%9%/%m!<%k$9$k$N$r;_$a$?$$(B
5.3 $BAu>~$rM^@)$7$?$$(B
5.4 $BFCDj$NJ8;zNs$r<u?.$7$?$i2;$rLD$i$7$?$$(B
5.5 SKK $B$r;H$C$F$$$F!"JQ49Cf$N0u(B ($B"&(B) $B$rAw?.$7$F$7$^$&$3$H$,$"$k(B
5.6 $B%A%c%s%M%k0lMw$NJB$S=g$r8GDj$7$?$$(B
5.7 $B5/F0;~$K<+F0E*$K%A%c%s%M%k$K;22C$7$?$$(B
5.8 $B5/F0;~$K<+F0E*$KJ#?t$N(B IRC $B%5!<%P$K@\B3$7$?$$(B
5.9 HTTP $B%W%m%-%7$r2p$7$F(B IRC $B%5!<%P$K@\B3$7$?$$(B
5.10 $B2qOC$N%m%0$r%U%!%$%k$KJ]B8$7$?$$(B
5.11 $B%&%#%s%I%&4V$r<+M3$K0\F0$7$?$$(B
6. Index
7. Function Index
8. Variable Index
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by XEmacs Webmaster on October, 2 2007
using texi2html