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TRAMP User Manual

This file documents TRAMP version 2.0.56, a remote file editing package for XEmacs.

TRAMP stands for `Transparent Remote (file) Access, Multiple Protocol'. This package provides remote file editing, similar to EFS.

The difference is that EFS uses FTP to transfer files between the local and the remote host, whereas TRAMP uses a combination of rsh and rcp or other work-alike programs, such as ssh/scp.

You can find the latest version of this document on the web at http://www.gnu.org/software/tramp/.

The latest release of TRAMP is available for download, or you may see 2. Obtaining Tramp. for more details, including the CVS server details.

TRAMP also has a Savannah Project Page.

There is a mailing list for TRAMP, available at tramp-devel@gnu.org, and archived at the TRAMP Mail Archive. Older archives are located at SourceForge Mail Archive and The Mail Archive.


1. An overview of TRAMP  What TRAMP can and cannot do.
For the end user:
2. Obtaining Tramp.  How to obtain TRAMP.
3. History of TRAMP  
4. Configuring TRAMP for use  
5. Using TRAMP  An overview of the operation of TRAMP.
6. Reporting Bugs and Problems  
7. Frequently Asked Questions  Questions and answers from the mailing list.
Concept Index  An item for each concept.
For the developer:
8. The inner workings of remote version control  
9. How file names, directories and localnames are mangled and managed.  
10. Debatable Issues and What Was Decided  
A. GNU Free Documentation License  The license for this documentation.
-- The Detailed Node Listing ---
Configuring TRAMP for use
4.1 Types of connections made to remote machines.  
4.2 Inline methods  
4.3 External transfer methods  
4.4 Connecting to a remote host using multiple hops  
4.5 Selecting a default method  
4.6 Using Non-Standard Methods  
4.7 Selecting config files for user/host name completion  
4.8 Reusing passwords for several connections.  
4.9 How TRAMP finds and uses programs on the remote machine.  
4.10 Remote shell setup hints  
4.12 Issues with Cygwin ssh  
4.11 Auto-save and Backup configuration  Auto-save and Backup.
5.1 TRAMP filename conventions  
5.2 Multi-hop filename conventions  
5.3 Filename completion  
5.4 Dired  
5.5 Compile remote files  
The inner workings of remote version control
8.1 Determining if a file is under version control  
8.2 Executing the version control commands on the remote machine  
8.3 Detecting if the working file has changed  
8.4 Bringing the workfile out of the repository  
8.5 Things related to Version Control that don't fit elsewhere  
Things related to Version Control that don't fit elsewhere
8.5.1 How VC determines who owns a workfile  
8.5.2 How VC determines what release your RCS is  
How file names, directories and localnames are mangled and managed
9.1 Breaking a localname into its components.  

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