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Emacs/W3 v4.0pre.46 User's Manual

Users can browse the World Wide Web from within Emacs by using Emacs/W3. All of the widely used (and even some not very widely used) URL schemes are supported, and it is very easy to add new methods as the need arises.

Emacs/W3 provides some core functionality that can be readily re-used from any program in Emacs. Users and other package writers are encouraged to Web-enable their applications and daily work routines with the library.

Emacs/W3 is completely customizable, both from Emacs-Lisp and from stylesheets See section 4. Stylesheets. If there is any aspect of Emacs/W3 that cannot be modified to your satisfaction, please send mail to the w3-beta@xemacs.org mailing list with any suggestions. See section A. Reporting Bugs.

This manual corresponds to Emacs/W3 v4.0pre.46

1. Getting Started  Getting up and running with Emacs/W3
2. Basic Usage  Basic movement and usage of Emacs/W3.
3. Compatibility with other Browsers  Explanation of compatibility with other browsers.
3.8 Display Variables  How to control Emacs/W3's look.
4. Stylesheets  How to control the look of web pages
5. Supported URLs  What URL schemes are supported.
6. MIME Support  Support for MIME
7. Security  Various security methods supported
8. Cookies  Emacs/W3 and cookies.
9. Non-Unix Operating Systems  Special considerations necessary to get up and running correctly under non-unix OS's.
10. Speech Integration  Outputting to a speech synthesizer.
11. Advanced Features  Some of the more arcane features.
12. More Help  How to get more help--mailing lists, newsgroups, etc.
13. Future Directions  Plans for future revisions
A. Reporting Bugs  How to report a bug in Emacs/W3.
B. Dealing with Firewalls  How to get around your firewall.
C. Proxy Gateways  Using a proxy gateway with Emacs/W3.
D. Installing SSL  Turning on SSL support.
E. Mailcap Files  An explanation of Mailcap files.
F. General Index  
G. Key Index  Menus of command keys and their references.

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