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X-Symbol Manual

When you edit LaTeX, HTML, BibTeX or TeXinfo sources in Emacs, package X-Symbol provides some kind of WYSIWYG by using real characters for tokens like \oplus or ™. It also provides various input methods to insert these characters. Thumbnails for included images and real super-/subscripts and are also supported.

The first part of this master menu lists the major nodes in this Info document, including the indexes. The rest of the menu lists all the lower level nodes in the document.

This is Edition 4.5.2 (XEmacs) of the X-Symbol Manual for X-Symbol 4.5.1, December 2003. For recent changes, see 9.1 News: Changes in Recent Versions of X-Symbol.

Bug fixes, bug reports, improvements, and suggestions are strongly appreciated. If you want to contact the maintainer of package X-Symbol, please read 8.5 How to Send a Bug/Problem Report.

1. Introduction  Introduction to X-Symbol.
2. Installation  What to do before using package X-Symbol.
3. Concepts of Package X-Symbol  Token language, conversion, coding, etc.
4. X-Symbol's Input Methods  How to insert X-Symbol characters.
5. Features of Package X-Symbol  Super-/subscripts, images, info, etc.
6. Supported Token Languages  Details of the predefined token languages.
7. X-Symbol Internals  How package X-Symbol works.
8. Problems, Troubleshooting  Annoyances, contacting the maintainer.
9. History and Projects  Changes, wishlist, projects.
Indexes  Menus covering various topics.
-- The Detailed Node Listing ---
1.1 X-Symbol's Copying Conditions: GPL  X-Symbol is GPL'd.
1.2 Brief Summary of X-Symbol  A brief summary of package X-Symbol.
1.3 About this Manual  About this manual.
2.1 Requirements  Which programs you need for X-Symbol.
2.2 Put the Files into your Home Directory  Basics 1: Put the files into your home dir.
2.3 System-wide Installation: Put the Files into the XEmacs Directory  Alternative: Put the files into the XEmacs dir.
2.4 Make XEmacs Initialize X-Symbol During Startup  Basics 2: Initialize X-Symbol during startup.
2.5 Installing the Image Converter from ImageMagick  Recommended: How to install convert.
2.6 Package Integration  How X-Symbol interacts with other packages.
2.7 Installing Additional Fonts  Optional: What to do when using other fonts.
2.8 Installing Fonts for Exceed (X-server on Windows)  If appropriate: What to do when using Exceed.
2.9 Lisp Coding when Using Other Fonts  If appropriate: Lisp coding for other fonts.
2.10 Installing Info, Postscript and HTML Files  Optional: How to create the manual.
2.11 Checking the Correct Installation of Package X-Symbol  Is package X-Symbol completely installed?
Package Integration
2.6.1 LaTeX Packages  Packages used in LaTeX buffers.
2.6.2 Syntax Highlighting Packages (font-lock and add-ons)  Package font-lock and support modes.
2.6.3 File I/O Packages  Compression, encryption, remote files, etc.
2.6.4 Miscellaneous Packages  Other packages.
Concepts of Package X-Symbol
3.1 Token Language  What does a X-Symbol character represent.
3.2 Conversion: Decoding and Encoding  Decoding tokens, encoding characters.
3.3 Minor Mode  How to control the behavior of X-Symbol.
3.4 Poor Man's Mule: Running Under XEmacs/no-Mule  Running X-Symbol under XEmacs/no-Mule.
3.5 The Role of font-lock  Why does X-Symbol need font-lock.
3.6 Character Group and Token Classes  Character group and token classes.
Conversion: Decoding and Encoding
3.2.1 Normal File and Default Encoding  
3.2.2 File Coding of 8bit Characters  Specific encoding of a file.
3.2.3 Store or Encode 8bit Characters  Do you want to store 8bit characters?
3.2.4 Unique Decoding  Restrict decoding to avoid normalization?
3.2.5 Conversion Commands  Interactive encoding and decoding.
3.2.6 Copy & Paste with Conversion  Copy & paste with conversion.
3.2.7 Character Aliases  Different charsets include the same chars.
X-Symbol's Input Methods
4.1 Common Behavior of All Input Methods  Common behavior of all input methods.
4.2 Input Method Token: Replace Token by Character  Replace token by character.
4.3 Input Method Read Token: Minibuffer Completion  Minibuffer input with completion.
4.4 Input Method Menu: Select a Menu Item  Select a menu item.
4.5 Input Method Grid: Choose Highlighted Character  Choose highlighted character.
4.6 Input Method Keyboard: Compose Key Sequence  Compose a key sequence.
4.7 Input Method Context: Replace Char Sequence  Replace character sequence.
4.8 Input Method Electric: Automatic Context  Automatically replace character sequence.
4.9 Input Method Quail: a Mule Input Method  A Mule input method "x-symbol".
4.10 Customizing Input Methods  How to customize the input methods.
Features of Package X-Symbol
5.1 Super- and Subscripts  Use special fonts for super-/subscripts.
5.2 Images at the end of Image Insertion Commands  Images after image insertion commands.
5.3 Info in Echo Area  Display information in echo area.
5.4 Ascii Representation of Strings  Derive label from a buffer contents.
5.5 X-Symbol Package Information  Invoke info system, use WWW browser.
Images at the end of Image Insertion Commands
5.2.1 Display of Images  When to display images.
5.2.2 Image Conversion  Producing a scaled-down image.
5.2.3 Image Caching  Speeding up the image processing.
5.2.4 Special Images for Specific Situations  Signaling specific situations.
5.2.5 Image Editor  Editing the original image file.
Supported Token Languages
6.1 Pseudo Token Language "x-symbol charsym"  Token language "x-symbol charsym".
6.2 Token Language "TeX macro" (tex)  Token language tex.
6.3 Token Language "SGML entity" (sgml)  Token language sgml.
6.4 Token Language "BibTeX macro" (bib)  Token language bib.
6.5 Token Language "TeXinfo command" (texi)  Token language texi.
6.6 Languages Defined in Other Emacs Packages  Languages defined in other Emacs Packages.
Token Language "TeX macro" (tex)
6.2.1 Basics of Language "TeX macro"  Basics of language "TeX macro".
6.2.2 Super-/Subscripts and Images in LaTeX  Super-/subscripts and images in LaTeX.
6.2.3 Problems with TeX Macros  Problems with TeX macros.
6.2.4 The Conversion of TeX Macros  How the conversion of TeX macros works.
6.2.5 Extra Symbols of Language "TeX Macro"  
Token Language "SGML entity" (sgml)
6.3.1 Basics of Language "SGML entity"  
6.3.2 Super-/Subscripts and Images in HTML  
6.3.3 The Conversion of SGML Entities  How the conversion of SGML entities works.
X-Symbol Internals
7.1 Internal Representation of X-Symbol Characters  How X-Symbol represents X-Symbol chars.
7.2 Defining X-Symbol Charsets  How X-Symbol defines additional chars.
7.3 Defining Input Methods  How X-Symbol defines the input methods.
7.4 Extending Package X-Symbol  How to add fonts and token languages.
7.5 Various Internals  How X-Symbol handles other aspects.
7.6 Design Alternatives  Why X-Symbol is not designed differently.
7.7 Language Internals  How X-Symbol handles languages.
7.8 Miscellaneous Internals  Various. TODO.
Defining Input Methods
7.3.1 Defining Input Methods: Objectives  Input methods should be intuitive/consistent.
7.3.2 X-Symbol Character Descriptions: Example  An example introducing char descriptions.
7.3.3 Defining Input Methods by Character Descriptions  The aspects and the contexts of a character.
7.3.4 Defining Input Methods: Example  A complete example defining input methods.
7.3.5 Customizing Input Methods  How to customize the input methods.
Extending Package X-Symbol
7.4.1 Extending X-Symbol with New Fonts  How to add fonts to X-Symbol.
7.4.2 Guidelines for Input Definitions  Guidelines for input definitions.
7.4.3 Emacs Lisp File Defining a New Font  How to define new character in a file.
7.4.4 Emacs Lisp File Extending a Token Language  Extending an existing language.
7.4.5 Emacs Lisp File Defining a New Token Language  Defining a new language.
Various Internals
7.5.1 Tagging Insert Commands for Token and Electric  Don't break input methods Token and Electric.
7.5.2 Avoiding Hide/Show-Invisible Flickering  Moving cursor in invisible commands.
Design Alternatives
7.6.1 Alternative Token Representations  Why we need the conversion.
7.6.2 Alternative Ways to Turn on X-Symbol Globally  How to turn on X-Symbol globally.
7.6.3 Alternative Auto Conversion Methods  When do we convert automatically.
Problems, Troubleshooting
8.1 Problems under XEmacs/no-Mule  X-Symbol provides a poor man's Mule.
8.2 Spurious Encodings  Some commands turn off X-Symbol mode.
8.3 The Encoding Does Not Work  The encoding does not work in a rare case.
8.4 Frequently Asked Questions  Frequently asked questions.
8.5 How to Send a Bug/Problem Report  How to contact the maintainer of X-Symbol.
Frequently Asked Questions
8.4.1 XEmacs Crashes when using Input Method Token  XEmacs crashes when using input method Token
8.4.2 X-Symbol's Fontification does Not Work  X-Symbol's fontification does not work.
8.4.3 The Buffer Contains Strange Characters  The buffer contains strange characters
8.4.4 I Cannot See any/some Super- or Subscripts  I cannot see any/some super-/subscripts.
8.4.5 I See Super- and Subscripts where I Don't Want Them.  I see subscripts where I don't want them.
8.4.6 The Characters are Too Small or Too Big  The characters are too small or too big.
8.4.7 The Conversion Changes Some Tokens  The conversion changes some tokens.
8.4.8 A Space is Added During the Encoding  A space is added during the encoding.
8.4.9 I Don't Want 8bit Characters in the File  I do not want 8bit characters in the file.
8.4.10 I Cannot Distinguish Character hyphen from `-'  I cannot distinguish hyphen from `-'.
8.4.11 Problems with Spell-checking  I have problems with spell-checking.
8.4.12 How to Use X-Symbol with Gnus or VM  I want to use X-Symbol in Gnus or VM.
History and Projects
9.1 News: Changes in Recent Versions of X-Symbol  Changes in recent versions.
9.2 Wishlist: Projects for X-Symbol  Projects for X-Symbol.
9.3 Open Questions  How you can contribute.
9.4 Acknowledgments  People having contributed.
News: Changes in Recent Versions of X-Symbol
9.1.1 Changes in X-Symbol 4.5.1  To be announced.
9.1.2 Changes in X-Symbol 4.5  Released Mar 2003 as beta.
9.1.3 Changes in X-Symbol 4.2 to 4.4  Released June 2002 as beta.
9.1.4 Changes in X-Symbol 4.1  Released Mar 2002 as beta.
9.1.5 Changes in X-Symbol 3.4  Released Mar 2002.
9.1.6 Changes in X-Symbol 3.3  Released Jan 1999.
9.1.7 Changes in X-Symbol 3.2  Released Dec 1998.
9.1.8 Changes in X-Symbol 3.1  Released Oct 1998.
9.1.9 Changes in X-Symbol 3.0  Released Sep 1998 as beta.
9.1.10 Changes in Old Releases.  Overview of old releases.
Wishlist: Projects for X-Symbol
9.2.1 Wishlist: Additional Token Languages  Additional token languages.
9.2.2 Wishlist: Generated Fonts  Automatically generated fonts.
9.2.3 Wishlist: Changes in Emacs/XEmacs  Changes in Emacs/XEmacs.
9.2.4 Wishlist: Changes in LaTeX  Changes in LaTeX.
9.2.5 Various Projects for X-Symbol  Other changes.
9.2.6 Rejected Suggestions for X-Symbol  
Key Index  Key sequences.
Program and Package Index  Programs and Emacs packages.
Command, Function and Variable Index  Commands, functions, variables.
Concept Index  Various topics.

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