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2. Using ZenIRC to waste time.

Once you've conected to a server, Emacs will enter ZenIRC major-mode. This mode parses information from the server and shows it to you in different ways, it also give you a nice interface to send things to the server. ZenIRCs major-mode also understands CTCP and parts of the DCC protocol.

2.1 What goes on in the background?  
2.2 Commands in ZenIRC major-mode.  
2.3 Keybindings in ZenIRC major-mode.  

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2.1 What goes on in the background?

Lots of things. If you don't know much elisp and just want to use the client you couldn't be less bothered actually. If you really are interested in the internals of ZenIRC you should join one or more of the ZenIRC mailinglists, read the source and play around a little. Changing small things and adding some small nifty hooks are pretty trivial though, read more about that in SECTION and SECTION.

2.1.1 Communicating with the server.  
2.1.2 Server communicating with you.  

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2.1.1 Communicating with the server.

Sending stuff to the server is done by hitting return (^M). ZenIRC parses the things you send to the server in two different ways, depending on the first character you type. With a leading "/" (you can change this by setting zenirc-commandchar) ZenIRC parses your line as a command. Without the leading "/" ZenIRC sends your line as a message to your current victim, this is done with PRIVMSG as described in RFC1459.

Example, if the channel #se-opers is your zenric-current-victim and you type;

	Hello people^M

the clients on channel #se-opers will see your message. Use the /query command to change zenirc-current-victim. :LINK:

On the other hand, if you type;

	/part #se-opers^M

you will part the channel. Look in 2.2 for an extensive list of all commands and how to use them.

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2.1.2 Server communicating with you.

ZenIRC parses all the information the servers sends to you in one way or the other. On a few occasions ZenIRC might lack the information on how to parse a certain thing, this is almost considered a bug (use M-x zenirc-bug to report this behaviour).

To display the information, ZenIRC uses language catalogs. The default catalog is English, but this can be changed easily. Writing your own catalog is trivial and we'd love you if you wrote your own catalog and mailed it in to the developers.

There's a lot of different variables you can change, and hooks to play with if you feel adventureous. You can, for example, ignore people, make ZenIRC beep when something special happens, have timestamps on special messages and so forth. The variables are described in SECTION and the hooks are described in SECTION.

`zenirc.el' only contains the most important features, some very nice features are placed in their own files. `zenirc-fill.el', for example, fills certain messages for you so Emacs doesn't have to wrap long lines in an ugly way. Read more about scripts in SECTION.

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2.2 Commands in ZenIRC major-mode.

As already described, ZenIRC pareses lines with a leading "/" as a command. Most of the commands are sent right off to the server, some commands are ZenIRC specific though.

2.2.1 Non ZenIRC specific commands.  
2.2.2 ZenIRC specific commands.  

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2.2.1 Non ZenIRC specific commands.

A list of these commands can be found in RFC1459, this list is just a brief description on how to use different commands. Go read RFC1459 if you want to learn really nifty stuff.

Things inside []'s are optional. If the optional argument is a server, using a nickname will list information about the server that nickname is using.

Command: /nick nickname
Change your nickname

Command: /quit comment
Stop wasting time, with optional comment.

Command: /join channel[,channel] [key[,key]]
Join one or more comma separated channels with given optional keys. zenirc-current-victim is set to the last joined channel.

Command: /part channel[,channel] [comment]
Part one or more comma separated channels, with optional comment. If you part your zenirc-current-victim, it is set to 'nil'.

Command: /mode nickname [mode]
Check or change modes for a given nickname. See RFC1459 for an extensive list of modes.

Command: /mode channel [mode [person]]
Check or change modes for a channel, or the mode of a nickname on a channel. See RFC1459 for an extensive list of modes.

Command: /topic channel [topic]
Check or change topic of a certain channel.

Command: /names channel[,channel]
See who's on one or more comma separated channels.

Command: /list [channel[,channel] [server]]
Lists all, one or a comma separated list of channels. With given server it lists channels from that servers view.

Command: /invite nickname channel
Invite person to given channel name.

Command: /kick channel nickname [comment]
Kick person on given channel with an optional comment.

Command: /version [server]
Returns version of current or given server.

Command: /stats query [server]
Returns information about that server (go read RFC1459). Read SECTION for an extensive list of query types.

Command: /links [[<remote server>] <server mask>]
Lists all links or links matching a given mask, with optional <remote server> it lists links seen from that server.

Command: /time [server]
Returns time from current or given server.

Command: /trace nickname
Returns the server route to given nickname.

Command: /trace [server]
Returns information on what's connected to the current server, or a route to given server as well as things connected to it.

Command: /admin [server]
List administrative information for current or given server.

Command: /info [server]
List version, compile date, patchlevel, starttime and other various information about current or given server.

Command: /privmsg nickname/channel text
Send text as a PRIVMSG to nickname/channel.

Command: /notice nickname/channel text
Send text as a NOTICE to nickname/channel.

Command: /who [<nick/user/server>mask [o]]
List short information about everyone on IRC or given nickname, username or servername. With optional [o] argument it lists person with their IRC operator flag set. This command takes UNIX like masks ("?" and "*").

Command: /whois [server] nickmask[,nickmask]
List long information about given nickname, with optional server argument it lists information as seen from that server.

Command: /whowas nickname [count [server]]
List long information about nickname not currently on the connected servers but still in the WHOWAS database. With given argument count, list that many old entries from the database. With given server argument, list information as seen from that server.

Command: /away [message]
Remove away message, with optional argument it sets a new away message instead.

Command: /users [server]
List users logged in to current server or another server.

Command: /summon user [server]
Invite a user logged in to current server or another server.

Command: /userhost nickname [nickname [nickname]]
Returns short information about a whitespace separated list of nicknames.

Command: /ison nickname [nickname [nickname]]
Returns wheter given, whitespace separated, nicknames are on this IRC net.

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2.2.2 ZenIRC specific commands.

Command: /action nickname/channel text
Send text as a CTCP ACTION to given nickname/channel. To send text to more then one nickname/channel, use a comma separated list.

Command: /commandchar char
Change your commandchar to char, for example;

	/commandchar &

A good example is then;

	&commandchar /

Command: /ctcp nickname/channel <CTCP QUERY>

Send <CTCP QUERY> to a comma separated list of nicknames and channels.

Command: /language language

Change your language catalog to given language. Read SECTION for more information about existing catalogs.

Command: /m
Command: /msg

A shortcut for "/privmsg"

Command: /me text

Send text as a CTCP ACTION to zenirc-current-victim.

Command: /ping nickname/channel

Send CTCP PING to a comma separated list of nicknames and channels.

Command: /query [nickname/channel]

Show or change zenirc-current-victim to a comma separated list of nicknames and channels.

Command: /quote text

Sends text directly to the server. You might need this as ZenIRC uses the same name as the server on some commands, for example;

	/quote ping server [<remote server>]
Ping current server, with given <remote server> argument it pings the remote server instead.

Command: /server [server [port [nickname]]]
Connect to a server in a new ZenIRC-buffer. This is bound to zenirc-select. If no options are used, ZenIRC will ask you some questions.

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2.3 Keybindings in ZenIRC major-mode.

Hitting certain key combinations in ZenIRC will result in ZenIRC doing stuff you didn't think it would. This is really nifty, when you realize what actually happens HELLO PER


Hitting return ("\n" or "^M") will send the current line to the server. If you're looking through the backlog and hit return, ZenIRC will throw you to the end of the buffer.

Hitting ; or : at the beginning of the line will help you while communicating to others then your zenirc-current-victim. For example;

/msg omnion meep
/msg ace95 meep
*Omnion* meep meep

Hitting ";" now will result in ZenIRC adding "/msg ace95 " at the beginning of the line. Hitting ":" will result in ZenIRC adding "/msg omnion " at the beginning of the line.

By using a few of the scripts which comes with ZenIRC you can get tab-completion and a shell like history feature, more about that in SECTION.

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