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Links Directory - Evolution (page 3 of 5)

Evolution Resources From the National Academies
Lots of excellent reports, statements, research papers, articles and other evolution resources.

Genetics & Evolution
Great articles about genetics & evolution.

National Center for Science Education
Defends the teaching of evolution in public schools. Nationally-recognized (USA) clearinghouse for information and advice to keep evolution in the science classroom and "scientific creationism" out. This is the only national organization to specialize in this issue.

Niles Eldredge - Let's keep evolving!
Website of Dr. Niles Eldredge, chock full of useful information and resources.

Dr. Eldredge has been a paleontologist on the curatorial staff of the American Museum of Natural History since 1969. His specialty is the evolution of trilobites—a group of extinct arthropods that lived between 535 and 245 million years ago.

Eldredge's main professional passion is evolution. Throughout his career, he has used repeated patterns in the history of life to refine ideas on how the evolutionary process actually works. The theory of "punctuated equilibria," developed with Stephen Jay Gould in 1972, was an early milestone. Eldredge went on to develop a hierarchical vision of evolutionary and ecological systems, and in his book The Pattern of Evolution (1999) he unfolds a comprehensive theory (the "sloshing bucket") that specifies in detail how environmental change governs the evolutionary process. [More...]

Nice site by people like myself who are sick and tired of hearing the mistaken refrain of evolution being "just a theory", so they created this site explaining the real meaning of "theory" in a scientific context.

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"If you can't get a compliment any other way, pay yourself one."
Mark Twain

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not so sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein

"The only lasting trauma is the one we suffer without positive change."
Leo Buscaglia