Ontario NDP sets ultimatum for legislature keffiyeh ban, threatening to defy rules

RE: GlobalNews.ca: Ontario NDP sets ultimatum for legislature keffiyeh ban, threatening to defy rules

The keffiyeh holds strong political and religious connotations affected by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and wearing the scarf in the Legislative Assembly would be considered a political statement. Overt political statements in the Legislative Assembly should be banned, this includes the keffiyeh. All political and religious symbols should not be present in the legislature. This is to preserve the separation of state and religions, religious neutrality of the state, equality of all citizens.

The NDP should continue doing their important work for Canadians instead of wasting time on this silly thing. Ban of political and religious statements in the legislature is a Canadian tradition and people should respect that.

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Anger, pessimism towards federal government reach six-year high: Nanos survey

RE: CTVNews.ca: Anger, pessimism towards federal government reach six-year high: Nanos survey

Why all the negative emotions directed at the government? Disagree with them about the policies, but both the Liberals and the NDP genuinely want what’s best for all Canadians. Granted things are worse then we’d like them to be but a lot of it has to do with Conservative tax cuts for the rich when the Conservatives were in power, long-term neglect of housing especially under the Conservatives and worst of all ‘greedflation’.

We have what’s called a free market system. Free as in freedom, meaning in part, that the government does not, nor should not, have too much power in the market. Consequently, there is much that the government simply isn’t able to do. Unfortunately, corporate managers, especially in the grocery, gasoline, gas, and housing industries do not ascribe to Canadian values. They don’t care about their fellow Canadians and are increasing inflation beyond what it would be if they wanted to give Canadians a break by reigning in the excessive, outrageously high margins leading to excessive profits. There is nothing wrong with companies making a profit, but there is such a thing as greed-fueled excessive profits.

Instead of being angry at the government for doing their best to help us, people should be angry at corporations. There should be boycotts and large-scale letter writing campaigns demanding that the corporations we do business with, such as landlords, grocery stores and oil companies, take into account Canadian values and give their fellow Canadians a break, by lowering costs.

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Iran and Israel may have taken a step back from a catastrophic regional war

RE: CBC.ca: Iran and Israel may have taken a step back from a catastrophic regional war

The biggest takeaway from this article is at the very end: “Iran is a nuclear weapons threshold state.” Iran doesn’t want to escalate at this stage because the Iranian rulers know that if they start an all out war with Israel they’ll (1) lose, because Israel has been armed by the U.S. for decades and because U.S. and U.K. and other allies will take Israel’s side. And (2) they know if it gets to and all out war, Israel will destroy their nuclear research facilities. Iran wants nuclear weapons, and they are close to having them. They will not risk setting their nuclear program back years, so they backed off—until they have nuclear weapons which they will then use.

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Liberals survive non-confidence vote on carbon tax with Bloc, NDP backing

RE: CBC.ca: Liberals survive non-confidence vote on carbon tax with Bloc, NDP backing

Climate change-denying Conservatives need to be voted out of office. Lucky for them no one wants an election right now, and fortunately the Bloc and NDP where doing their jobs and helped stop one. The Conservatives do a lot of politicking instead of working to ease the lives Canadians and do what is right. Such as legislation that makes polluters pay for their pollution and making Canadians choose better, non-polluting, options. The carbon tax is very necessary to help reduce emissions of green-house-effect-causing gasses such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4).

It was very irresponsible and a waste of time for the Conservatives to table the non-confidence vote. They should work together with the other parties and not against them. But then, Pierre Poilievre is completely out of touch with the average Canadian living in his big mansion, interested only in power. Using politics of division to divide the country instead of helping everyone.

I don’t know what kind of people support the Conservatives in office but they need to either stop their support and/or demand, en masse, from the Conservative politicians that they actually abide by stated Conservative values while working in co-operation with the other parties for the betterment of Canada and Canadians. Because right now they’re doing none of it.

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North Korea’s Kim test drives a new tank and orders troops to prepare for war

RE: CTVNews.ca: North Korea’s Kim test drives a new tank and orders troops to prepare for war

It is believed, and even mentioned in the article, that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is just making threats to get the west to ease sanctions, but I disagree. Megalomaniacs like Kim usually tend to talk about things like war as casually as they would about what they had for lunch. This rhetoric cannot be ignored. It is very possible that North Korea is on the verge of invading South Korea, which means drawing in the U.S.A. which includes all NATO (including Canada) which means Russia and China will get into the mix and we’ve got ourselves World War III.

This is very serious people. Care needs to be taken in how our leaders deal with this situation, while we make serious preparations for a possible all out war.

I believe that war is coming and we must prepare. Contact your MP and let him/her know to upgrade and expand our armed forces.

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