North Korea’s Kim test drives a new tank and orders troops to prepare for war

RE: North Korea’s Kim test drives a new tank and orders troops to prepare for war

It is believed, and even mentioned in the article, that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is just making threats to get the west to ease sanctions, but I disagree. Megalomaniacs like Kim usually tend to talk about things like war as casually as they would about what they had for lunch. This rhetoric cannot be ignored. It is very possible that North Korea is on the verge of invading South Korea, which means drawing in the U.S.A. which includes all NATO (including Canada) which means Russia and China will get into the mix and we’ve got ourselves World War III.

This is very serious people. Care needs to be taken in how our leaders deal with this situation, while we make serious preparations for a possible all out war.

I believe that war is coming and we must prepare. Contact your MP and let him/her know to upgrade and expand our armed forces.

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